HUANG, H.-D.*; RITTSCHOF, D.; JENG, M.-S.: Chemical and visual cues used in crionoid host selection by symbiotic snapping shrimp We hypothesized that obligate symbiotic snapping shrimp Synalpheus demani are able to locate and recognize crinoid hosts in a patched multi-species crinoid community. The present study tested S. demani’s responses to olfactory, visual and tactile cues […]
sessions: Posters Session 1
Changes in Gene Expression Associated with Diurnal Temperature Cycling in the Annual Killifish Austrofundulus limnaeus
PODRABSKY, J.E.*; SOMERO, G.N.: Changes in Gene Expression Associated with Diurnal Temperature Cycling in the Annual Killifish Austrofundulus limnaeus Annual killifish thrive in small ephemeral ponds that experience wide fluctuations in temperature (22-39°C) on a diurnal basis. The biochemical and molecular mechanisms that maintain cellular homeostasis during such temperature fluctuations are largely unknown. We are […]
Carbonic anhydrase induction in the gastric pouches of Cassiopea xamachana
ESTES, A.M.; KEMPF, S.C.; HENRY, R.P.: Carbonic anhydrase induction in the gastric pouches of Cassiopea xamachana Endosymbiotic zooxanthellae are distributed throughout epithelial tissues of the tentacles, body column, or bell of symbiotic cnidarians. Associated with these zooxanthellae is carbonic anhydrase (CA), which catalyses the reversible dehydration of HCO3– to provide an unlimited supply of CO2 […]
Can Surge Channels Act As Reproductive Refuges For Free-Spawning Invertebrates
MEAD, K.S.: Can Surge Channels Act As Reproductive Refuges For Free-Spawning Invertebrates? CAN SURGE CHANNELS ACT AS REPRODUCTIVE REFUGES FOR FREE-SPAWNING INVERTEBRATES? Like many marine invertebrate animals, sea urchins reproduce by releasing their eggs and sperm into the water column. Their gametes are therefore often exposed to high levels of turbulence caused by breaking waves. […]
Calcium mediated mechanotransduction in flow-stimulated bioluminescence of dinoflagellates
VON DASSOW, Peter: Calcium mediated mechanotransduction in flow-stimulated bioluminescence of dinoflagellates Many marine dinoflagellates emit bright discrete flashes of light nearly instantaneously in response to either laminar or turbulent flows as well as direct mechanical stimulation. This response is believed to function to deter consumption by planktivorous animals. The flash involves a unique pH-dependent luciferase […]
Bioremediation of Kerosene-Contaminated Soil Using Mini-Biocells
CUNNINGHAM, S. L.*; MARIS, R. C.: Bioremediation of Kerosene-Contaminated Soil Using Mini-Biocells A jet fuel (kerosene) spill at the Elmira-Corning Regional Airport has prompted the necessity for both economically and ecologically sound clean-up operations. Previous studies at Mansfield University have shown the effectiveness of utilizing naturally occurring bacteria for the degradation of harmful petroleum hydrocarbon […]
Biomechanics of ventilation in the ratfish, Hydrolagus colliei
DANOS, Nicole: Biomechanics of ventilation in the ratfish, Hydrolagus colliei. Bony fishes have a bony operculum covering the branchial cavity. Negative pressure can be created in the branchial cavity by opening the operculum to draw water over the gills. Backflow, which has detrimental effects on counter-current efficiency, can be prevented by closing the operculum. Sharks […]
Avoidance of ultraviolet radiation (UV-B) by two species of diurnal poison-dart frogs
HAN, B.A.; KATS, L.B.; POMMERENING, R.C.; MURRY, M.A.; KIESECKER, J.M.; BLAUSTEIN, A.R.: Avoidance of ultraviolet radiation (UV-B) by two species of diurnal poison-dart frogs. Negative effects of ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation on amphibians have been reported in several studies. UV-B radiation negatively impacts both amphibian eggs and larvae. However, few studies have examined the sensitivity of […]
Acute Toxicity of Malathion and Round Up to the San Diego Fairy Shrimp uBranchinectau usandiegonensisu
DAVIS, K.C.; RIPLEY, B.J.; SIMOVICH, M.A.: Acute Toxicity of Malathion and Round Up to the San Diego Fairy Shrimp Branchinecta sandiegonensis Branchinecta sandiegonensis is an endangered fairy shrimp (Anostraca) that lives in Southern California vernal pools. Contaminants such as the insecticide malathion and the herbicide Round Up are commonly sprayed in San Diego for fruit […]
A numerical simulation of two-dimensional insect flight
MILLER, L. A.; PESKIN, C.: A numerical simulation of two-dimensional insect flight The immersed boundary method was used to simulate the aerodynamics around a two-dimensional wing whose motion approximated Drosophila melanogaster flight kinematics. The immersed boundary method numerically solves the equations describing fluid motion with a moving, flexible boundary submerged in a fluid. This method […]