Myoseptal architecture of a cruising specialist and an accelerator Are different modes of locomotion in Scomber and Channa driven by differently structured myosepta

GEMBALLA, Sven; TREIBER, Kerstin: Myoseptal architecture of a cruising specialist and an accelerator � Are different modes of locomotion in Scomber and Channa driven by differently structured myosepta? Investigations carried out on myoseptal architecture have considered accelerators and locomotor generalists but have neglected cruising specialists. We present the first comparison of the myosepta of a […]

Mussel Byssus Tendons Redesigned as Holdfast Tethers

LUCAS, J.M.*; WAITE, J.H.: Mussel Byssus: Tendons Redesigned as Holdfast Tethers Mytilids produce an extraorganismic structure, the byssus, which is in essence a collection of tendons. Byssal threads are fiber reinforced composite materials composed of upwards of 80% collagen, embedded in a matrix, that function to join the mussel’s byssal retractor muscle to a hard […]

Molluscan nervous system immunoreactivity with antibodies against mammalian Reissner’s fibers glycoproteins and a spondin-like peptide

RAM, J.L.*; MORALES, J.A.; MERINO, C.R.; YULIS, C.R.: Molluscan nervous system immunoreactivity with antibodies against mammalian Reissner’s fibers glycoproteins and a spondin-like peptide A polyclonal antiserum (AFRU) against glycoproteins extracted from Reissner’s fiber of non-primate vertebrate nervous systems stains cells in a variety of nervous systems. AFRU antigens resemble, in part, sequences in the thrombospondin […]

Molecular Mechanisms for Host Specificity in the Sepiola-Vibrio Mutualism

LOPEZ, R.*; WATSON, KJ; NISHIGUCHI, MK: Molecular Mechanisms for Host Specificity in the Sepiola-Vibrio Mutualism The Hawaiian bobtail squid Euprymna scolopes (Cephalopoda: Sepiolidae) and its luminous bacterial symbiont, Vibrio fischeri, provides a novel system for studying the interactions and evolutionary development of animal/bacterial associations. Previous studies have indicated that strain specificity exists, where native Vibrio […]

Minimum Flight Temperature and Thermoregulatory Performance of Sub-arctic Dragonflies

SFORMO TODD, TS: Minimum Flight Temperature and Thermoregulatory Performance of Sub-arctic Dragonflies Sub-arctic dragonflies (Odonata: Anisoptera), an order of insect previously not studied in Alaska, provide a unique system with which to examine questions of thermal biology. Two potential adaptations are the ability to initiate flight at low temperature and to thermoregulate. To establish minimum […]

Mighty Mice Amazing Jumping Power from the Pacific Jumping Mouse

HARTY, T.H.*; ROBERTS, T.J.: Mighty Mice: Amazing Jumping Power from the Pacific Jumping Mouse Previous studies have revealed unique morphological and physiological specializations that enable frogs and insects to power spectacular jumps. To determine whether jumping mammals can achieve similar levels of performance, we examined the jumping ability of a small rodent, the Pacific jumping […]

Metabolic Rate Reduction During Entry into Torpor A Consequence of Body Temperature Effects or Metabolic Suppression

JENKINS, J.L.; BUCK, C.L.: Metabolic Rate Reduction During Entry into Torpor: A Consequence of Body Temperature Effects or Metabolic Suppression? During hibernation, animals conserve endogenous fuels by entering torpor, a condition characterized by profound reduction of metabolism and body temperature. The mechanisms by which animals achieve and maintain extended periods of hypometabolism and hypothermia are […]

Messengers or mercenaries Characterizing the role of macrophage-like hemocytes in the bacteria-induced morphogenesis of the juvenile light organ of Euprymna scolopes

KOROPATNICK, T.; ESTRADA, A.; APICELLA, M.; MCFALL-NGAI, M.: Messengers or mercenaries? Characterizing the role of macrophage-like hemocytes in the bacteria-induced morphogenesis of the juvenile light organ of Euprymna scolopes The symbiotic association between the squid Euprymna scolopes and the luminous marine bacterium Vibrio fischeri begins anew each generation. The hatchling host gathers symbionts from the […]

Local Adaptation in Algal Symbionts of Cassiopea xamachana in the Florida Keys

SLOAN, Adrienne J.; WILCOX, Thomas P.: Local Adaptation in Algal Symbionts of Cassiopea xamachana in the Florida Keys Algal-invertebrate symbioses have been the subject of many genetic, physiological, and biochemical investigations; yet how these associations remain evolutionarily stable continues to be a mystery. Most investigators of endosymbiotic mutualisms assume that all symbionts are equally cooperative. […]

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