The Sniff of Victory The Road to Identify an Aggressive Male Chemosignal in Crayfish

Meeting Abstract P1-155  Saturday, Jan. 4  The Sniff of Victory: The Road to Identify an Aggressive Male Chemosignal in Crayfish RUVINA, K; BERGMAN, D.A*; WRIGHT, M.A; Grand Valley State University; Grand Valley State University; Grand Valley State University It is well established in the scientific community that decapod crustaceans secrete molecules via nephropores to communicate with […]

The Role of Mitonuclear Coevolution in High Altitude Adaptation

Meeting Abstract P1-35  Saturday, Jan. 4  The Role of Mitonuclear Coevolution in High Altitude Adaptation CORDER, KR*; SCHWEIZER, RM; CHEVIRON , ZA; University of Montana; University of Montana; University of Montana Metabolic function in eukaryotes relies on coordinated interactions between gene products from the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes. Because of these functional interactions, it is […]

The Retinal Pigments of Filter-feeding Sharks and their Role in Visual Foraging Ecology

Meeting Abstract P1-101  Saturday, Jan. 4  The Retinal Pigments of Filter-feeding Sharks and their Role in Visual Foraging Ecology SERBA, KM*; FASICK, JI; ALGRAIN, H; ROBINSON, PR; University of Tampa; University of Tampa; University of Maryland Baltimore County; University of Maryland Baltimore County The spectral tuning properties of the whale shark (Rhincodon typus), basking shark (Cetorhinus […]

The Relevance of Short Wavelength UV-B Radiation in Natural Light Environments

Meeting Abstract P1-239  Saturday, Jan. 4  The Relevance of Short Wavelength UV-B Radiation in Natural Light Environments NEBHUT, AN*; SEMRO, MR; SHINKLE, JR; Trinity University, San Antonio, TX; Trinity University, San Antonio, TX; Trinity University, San Antonio, TX Plants have mechanisms to sense ultraviolet radiation as both a stressor and developmental signal and regulate their responses […]

The Relationship Between Movement Coordination and Suction Power During Feeding in Royal Knifefish (Chitala blanci)

Meeting Abstract P1-219  Saturday, Jan. 4  The Relationship Between Movement Coordination and Suction Power During Feeding in Royal Knifefish (Chitala blanci) LI, EY*; KACZMAREK, EB; OLSEN, AM; WELLER, HI; CAMP, AL; BRAINERD, EL; Brown University; Brown University; Brown University; Brown University; University of Liverpool; Brown University Many species of fish use suction, generated by the rapid […]

The Physiological Effects of Cannabidiol on Toads

Meeting Abstract P1-256  Saturday, Jan. 4  The Physiological Effects of Cannabidiol on Toads GARDNER, LE*; WATSON, CM; SHIPLEY, MM; Midwestern State University; Midwestern State University; Midwestern State University The widespread legalization of recreational cannabis use has expanded the commercialization of cannabidiol (CBD), a phytocannabinoid that accounts for approximately 40% of the extracts from the cannabis plant. […]

The Persistence of Resistance to Timber Rattlesnake Venom in Small Mammals

Meeting Abstract P1-40  Saturday, Jan. 4  The Persistence of Resistance to Timber Rattlesnake Venom in Small Mammals DIORIO, RD*; HOWEY, CAF; University of Scranton; University of Scranton Some snakes use venom to subdue their prey, but some prey species have evolved resistance to these toxins. Previous studies have shown that small mammal populations that overlap […]

The Offense and Defense of a Regenerated Weapon

Meeting Abstract P1-39  Saturday, Jan. 4  The Offense and Defense of a Regenerated Weapon GRAHAM, Z/G*; PALORO, A/V; VARGAS, C; ANGILLETTA, M/J; Arizona State University; Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo; Arizona State University; Arizona State University Animals possess a variety of weapons that can displace and intimidate opponents during aggressive interactions. In many cases, severe injuries […]

The Importance of Olfactory Cues from Male Chin Glands & Multimodal Signal Use in Gopher Tortoises Gopherus polyphemus

Meeting Abstract P1-113  Saturday, Jan. 4  The Importance of Olfactory Cues from Male Chin Glands & Multimodal Signal Use in Gopher Tortoises Gopherus polyphemus KELLEY, MD; KA, C; MENDONCA, MT*; Auburn University; Auburn University; Auburn University Multimodal signalling can reinforce messages in communication. In gopher tortoises, the enlarged chin gland (CG) may serve as a visual […]

The Impact of the Orbital Hood on Spatial Vision in the Snapping Shrimp Alpheus heterochaelis

Meeting Abstract P1-100  Saturday, Jan. 4  The Impact of the Orbital Hood on Spatial Vision in the Snapping Shrimp Alpheus heterochaelis LUCIA, RL*; KINGSTON, ACN; SPEISER, DI; University of South Carolina; University of South Carolina; University of South Carolina Snapping shrimp (Decapoda: Alpheidae) produce shock waves with their snapping claws and they use these shock waves […]

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