Development of Blood Oxygen Stores in Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)

Noren, S.R.*; Lacave, G.; Wells, R.S.; Williams, T.M.: Development of Blood Oxygen Stores in Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) Increased blood oxygen reserves facilitate diving in marine mammals. Previous studies show that pinnipeds require a developmental period for blood oxygen stores to reach adult capacities. We investigated if a developmental period for the blood also occurs […]

Cutaneous water abosorption by Rough-skinned Newts (Taricha granulosa) in open terrain vs water-soaked environments

POWERS, D.R.*; ANDREWJESKI, P.M.; GRAMENZ, P.W.; KIMBERLY, D.J.: Cutaneous water abosorption by Rough-skinned Newts (Taricha granulosa) in open terrain vs. water-soaked environments. We measured cutaneous water uptake rate in Rough-skinned Newts (Taricha granulosa) using an open terrestrial (ventral surface only) and submergence (whole body) model to evaluate their ability to regulate water balance in open […]

Constraint of small cages turns California mice into couch potatoes

MUELLER, P.J.*; STEYERMARK, A.S.: Constraint of small cages turns California mice into couch potatoes. Although care is taken in maintaining proper temperature, lighting and feeding regimes for captive experimental animals, other facets of husbandry that can influence experimental results may be overlooked. For example, investigators routinely place animals in whatever size of cage they have […]

Comparative Trends in Maximum Shortening Velocity and Tetanic Tension Influence on Skeletal Muscle Diversity

MEDLER, S.: Comparative Trends in Maximum Shortening Velocity and Tetanic Tension: Influence on Skeletal Muscle Diversity Maximum shortening velocity (Vmax) and maximum tetanic tension (P0) are two determinants of a muscle’s contractile properties. Muscle power output, contractile efficiency, and ultimately the energetics of locomotion are all linked to Vmax. P0 defines a muscle’s force production […]

Cold-induced hyperthermia and maximum metabolic rate in the nine-banded armadillo

BOILY, P.* P.; KNIGHT, F.M.: Cold-induced hyperthermia and maximum metabolic rate in the nine-banded armadillo In response to cold temperature exposure, the nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) undergoes an increase in metabolic rate concomitant with an increase in core temperature above thermoneutral values. This physiological response is incompatible with standard models of the control of body […]

Cold-hardiness in bumblebees

Vogt, D.: Cold-hardiness in bumblebees. Muscular thermogenesis enables individual bumblebees to fly while foraging in the cold. However, this ability comes with great risk. Bumblebees are unable to warm-up and fly if they cool to near freezing air temperature or if they have inadequate fuel reserves to sustain a high enough body temperature for flight. […]

Cold Hardiness and Desiccation Resistance in Hatchling Turtles

COSTANZO, J.P.*; LITZGUS, J.D.; IVERSON, J.B.; LEE, R.E.: Cold Hardiness and Desiccation Resistance in Hatchling Turtles North American turtles hatch in late summer and spend their first winter either on land or under water. Adaptations for terrestrial overwintering of hatchlings in northern regions, where winter thermal and hydric regimes are harsh, have not been systematically […]

Cloning and Characterization of Skeletal Muscle Specific Calpain from Lobster (Homarus americanus)

Yu, X.L.*; Mykles, D.L.: Cloning and Characterization of Skeletal Muscle Specific Calpain from Lobster (Homarus americanus) Crustacean muscles contain four calcium-dependent cysteine proteinases (CDPs or calpains) that differ in mass and subunit composition. These enzymes (CDP I, IIa, IIb, and III) are involved in the degradation of myofibrillar proteins during a programmed atrophy associated with […]

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