Signature Motif and Fatty Acid Selectivity of Fatty Acyl CoA Synthetase in Antarctic Fishes

Grove, T.J.*; Sidell, B.D.: Signature Motif and Fatty Acid Selectivity of Fatty Acyl CoA Synthetase in Antarctic Fishes Cardiac and oxidative skeletal muscles of Antarctic notothenioid fishes preferentially utilize lipids over carbohydrates as their main fuel for aerobic metabolism. These tissues further show a marked tendency to oxidize mono-unsaturated fatty acids over saturated fatty acids. […]

Sex-Related Differences in Locomotor Performance and Metabolism in Breeding Spotted Salamanders (Ambystoma maculatum)

Finkler, M.S.*; Sugalski, M.T.; Claussen, D.L.: Sex-Related Differences in Locomotor Performance and Metabolism in Breeding Spotted Salamanders (Ambystoma maculatum). We investigated differences in metabolism and locomotor performance of male and female spotted salamanders collected during the breeding season. Male salamanders had faster voluntary crawling speeds than did females (both gravid and non-gravid). Burst swimming velocity […]

Purinergic Receptor Activation Leads to a Calcium-Sensitive Volume Decrease in Mudpuppy Erythrocytes

BAUMANN, N.L.*; LIGHT, D.B.: Purinergic Receptor Activation Leads to a Calcium-Sensitive Volume Decrease in Mudpuppy Erythrocytes Regulatory volume decrease (RVD) in mudpuppy (Necturus maculosus) erythrocytes has been shown to depend on ATP-, Ca2+-, and phospholipase A2 (PLA2)-dependent pathways (Light et al. 1997. J. Membr. Biol. 158: 229). This study was designed to determine the relationship […]

Purification and characterization of mucin-like glycoproteins from the cuticle of the blue crab Callinectes sapidus

TWEEDIE, E.P.*; SHAFER, T.H.: Purification and characterization of mucin-like glycoproteins from the cuticle of the blue crab Callinectes sapidus. Two molecular species previously identified as electrophoretic bands at 66 and 79 kD in extracts from dorsal carpace cuticle disappear within a few hours after the molt in the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus. Disappearance of these […]

Physiological origin and reproductive consequence of variation in daily energy expenditure a study of breeding tree swallows

BURNESS, G.P.*; YDENBERG, R.C.; HOCHACHKA, P.W.: Physiological origin and reproductive consequence of variation in daily energy expenditure: a study of breeding tree swallows We studied tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) provisioning dependent young to test for relationships among parental daily energy expenditure (DEE), the masses of internal organs/tissues, and indices of breeding success. We predicted: (1) […]

Physiological cost of head-body temperature differences in snakes

BORRELL, B.J.*; LADUC, T.J.; DUDLEY, R.: Physiological cost of head-body temperature differences in snakes Head-body temperature differentials observed in reptiles and other ectotherms may be important for central nervous system functioning, but the maintenance cost of this differential in terms of water loss has never been studied. Using infrared themography, we measured head-body temperature differentials […]

Physiological Responses to Supercooling and Anoxia in the Hatchling Painted Turtle

COSTANZO, J.P.; JONES, E.J.*; LEE, R.E.: Physiological Responses to Supercooling and Anoxia in the Hatchling Painted Turtle We investigated physiological responses to supercooling in hatchling painted turtles (Chrysemys picta), which remain in their natal nests over winter. These turtles are freeze tolerant, but also rely on supercooling to survive exposure to the lower temperatures occurring […]

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