Meeting Abstract P1-71 Saturday, Jan. 4 Body mass in female and male fox squirrels (Sciurus niger) at Saint Mary’s College YERGA, KM*; GAMS, HC; YOUNG, VKH; Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame, IN; Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame, IN; Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame, IN Urbanization can affect native species by altering their food availability, habitat structure, […]
sessions: Posters Session 1
BiteScis Teacher-Researcher Partnerships to Develop Engaging Research-Based Lessons
Meeting Abstract P1-237 Saturday, Jan. 4 BiteScis: Teacher-Researcher Partnerships to Develop Engaging Research-Based Lessons LUCAS, KN*; KEEP, S; MOREY, S; University of Michigan; BiteScis; BiteScis and Abbott Lawrence Academy In recent years, it has become clear that we need for new approaches to STEM education to increase scientific literacy, engagement, and student retention. While several interventions […]
Biomechanics of Herndon Climb
Meeting Abstract P1-176 Saturday, Jan. 4 Biomechanics of Herndon Climb EVANGELISTA, D*; FIGUEROA, S; United States Naval Academy; United States Naval Academy Collective behaviors, in which an aggregation of cooperative agents form a structure to traverse an obstacle have been studied in ants, termites, and other small animals. Some study of this topic has been done […]
Bioinspired trans-equatorial navigation using sequential measurements of magnetic inclination
Meeting Abstract P1-108 Saturday, Jan. 4 Bioinspired trans-equatorial navigation using sequential measurements of magnetic inclination TAYLOR, BK*; KEHL, C; The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Diverse taxa use Earth’s magnetic field to navigate both locally, and across global scales. Several of these animals have demonstrated […]
Biogeography of the Ouachita Dusky Salamander, Desmognathus brimleyorum
Meeting Abstract P1-131 Saturday, Jan. 4 Biogeography of the Ouachita Dusky Salamander, Desmognathus brimleyorum CLAY, TA*; HESS, AJ; BONETT, RM; Nicholls State University; University of Tulsa; University of Tulsa The Ouachita dusky salamander, Desmognathus brimleyorum, is a semi-aquatic salamander restricted to the Interior Highlands of Arkansas and Oklahoma. We conducted surveys during their active season […]
Behavioral and Physiological Effects of Variation in Maternal Care and Glucocorticoids
Meeting Abstract P1-74 Saturday, Jan. 4 Behavioral and Physiological Effects of Variation in Maternal Care and Glucocorticoids WESTRICK, SE*; VAN KESTEREN, F; BOUTIN, S; LANE, JE; MCADAM, AG; DANTZER, B; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; University of Alberta, Edmonton; University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon; University of Guelph, Guelph, ON; University of Michigan, Ann […]
Behavioral Variation of Poison Frog Tadpoles in an Open Field
Meeting Abstract P1-171 Saturday, Jan. 4 Behavioral Variation of Poison Frog Tadpoles in an Open Field JACKSON, C P*; FISCHER, E K; O’CONNELL, L A; Stanford University, Stanford Many species, though phylogenetically very similar, have radically different behaviors. Evaluating these behavioral differences is key to understanding how species’ behavior can change to adapt to their environment. […]
Assessing the Influences of Habitat Structure on Bird Song Propagation
Meeting Abstract P1-157 Saturday, Jan. 4 Assessing the Influences of Habitat Structure on Bird Song Propagation HARDT, B*; BENEDICT, L; University of Northern Colorado; University of Northern Colorado Many taxa produce long-range acoustics signals for the purpose of communication with conspecifics. These signals play an important role in mate attraction and retention as well as territory […]
Assessing the Function of the POU-Domain Transcription Factor Pit-1 During Development of the Cnidarian Nematostella vectensis
Meeting Abstract P1-3 Saturday, Jan. 4 Assessing the Function of the POU-Domain Transcription Factor Pit-1 During Development of the Cnidarian Nematostella vectensis SILVA, MAP*; NAKANISHI, N; University of Arkansas; University of Arkansas The class I POU-domain transcription factor, POU-I (Pit-1), has an ancient evolutionary origin at the base of animals, but was later lost in protostome […]
Assessing Physiological Plasticity in the Face of Climate Change in Natural and Lab Reared Drosophila Species Collected Across Elevational Gradients
Meeting Abstract P1-69 Saturday, Jan. 4 Assessing Physiological Plasticity in the Face of Climate Change in Natural and Lab Reared Drosophila Species Collected Across Elevational Gradients AXEN, HJ*; TAFT, C; WILSON-WUESTEFELD, A; DEPELLIGRINI, F; CLIFFORD, M; Salve Regina University Temperature plays a large and crucial role in the distribution of species, affecting physiological processes, biophysical structures, […]