Meeting Abstract P1-163 Saturday, Jan. 4 Chemical Commuication and the effect of Calling Behavior in Hyla chrysoscelis SMITH, C*; REICHERT , M; Oklahoma State University ; Oklahoma State University Multimodal communication is where an animal signals through more than one sensory channel. In most anurans, acoustic signals are the primary modality for reproductive communication. However, most […]
sessions: Posters Session 1
Characterizing the gut microbiome of honeybees
Meeting Abstract P1-124 Saturday, Jan. 4 Characterizing the gut microbiome of honeybees BRADY, K*; KOVACS, J; VOISIN, D; WELCH, J; Spelman College; Spelman College; Spelman College; Spelman College On nearly every surface and inside almost every organism, there are millions of tiny microbes that are invisible to the naked eye. Some of these microbes, known as […]
Characterization of Fatty Acid Profiles of the Butterfly Weed (Asclepias tuberosa) and its Specialist Predator, the Monarch Butterfly (Danaus plexippus)
Meeting Abstract P1-149 Saturday, Jan. 4 Characterization of Fatty Acid Profiles of the Butterfly Weed (Asclepias tuberosa) and its Specialist Predator, the Monarch Butterfly (Danaus plexippus). ARMSTRONG, R*; TORRES, T; WATSON, CM; SHIPLEY, MM; Midwestern State University; Midwestern State University; Midwestern State University; Midwestern State University Monarch butterfly larvae, Danaus plexippus, have a diet entirely composed […]
Changes in Gene Expression in Response to Ambient Temperature Fluctuations in the Zebra Finch
Meeting Abstract P1-248 Saturday, Jan. 4 Changes in Gene Expression in Response to Ambient Temperature Fluctuations in the Zebra Finch COUTTS, VM*; BEATTY, A; SCHWARTZ, T; COOPER, C; HURLEY, L; GRIFFITH, S; WADA, H; Auburn University, Auburn, AL; Auburn University, Auburn, AL; Auburn University, Auburn, AL; Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW, AUS; Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW, AUS; Macquarie […]
Cementum Analysis for Age Estimation in Fossil Mammals Micro-CT vs Histological Thin Sections
Meeting Abstract P1-203 Saturday, Jan. 4 Cementum Analysis for Age Estimation in Fossil Mammals: Micro-CT vs Histological Thin Sections SKONIECZNY, KL*; D’EMIC, MD; BURK, C; HOFFMANN, S; NYIT College of Osteopathic Medicine, Old Westbury; Adelphi University, Garden City ; Northport High School, Northport; NYIT College of Osteopathic Medicine, Old Westbury Cementum is a continuously growing tissue […]
Caw and Response Context-Dependent Group Calling In American Crows
Meeting Abstract P1-156 Saturday, Jan. 4 Caw and Response: Context-Dependent Group Calling In American Crows SLATTERY, JD*; RODRIGUEZ, IM; BILOTTA, AJ; WACKER, DW; University of Washington Bothell; University of Washington Bothell; University of Washington Bothell; University of Washington Bothell Research on cawing in American crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos) has often assessed the acoustic variation of isolated caw […]
Can’t Kill a Bird Twice Evaluating Non-Lethal Sampling of Avian Gut Bacteria
Meeting Abstract P1-127 Saturday, Jan. 4 Can’t Kill a Bird Twice: Evaluating Non-Lethal Sampling of Avian Gut Bacteria BERLOW, M*; KOHL, KD; DERRYBERRY, EP; University of Tennessee, Knoxville; University of Pittsburgh; University of Tennessee, Knoxville Gut microbial communities play critical roles in the biological functions of their host, such as mediating nutrient absorption, digesting food components […]
Can Air Breathing Ability in Teleost Fishes be Used to Predict Terrestrial Behavior
Meeting Abstract P1-29 Saturday, Jan. 4 Can Air Breathing Ability in Teleost Fishes be Used to Predict Terrestrial Behavior? KYLE, OM*; GIBB, AC; MINICOZZI, MR; BRAGA, A; Northern Arizona University Terrestrial locomotion is a common behavior observed in littoral fishes that can be used to avoid predation or move between aquatic habitats. When stranded, some fishes […]
Building a Network of Science Communicators for Change Strategies from the National Network for Ocean and Climate Change Interpretation
Meeting Abstract P1-232 Saturday, Jan. 4 Building a Network of Science Communicators for Change: Strategies from the National Network for Ocean and Climate Change Interpretation TANNER, RL; Washington State Univ. The National Network for Ocean and Climate Change Interpretation has endeavored to build a community of climate science communicators through shared values, standardized training based […]
Brood-parasitized nestlings have higher baseline corticosterone concentrations
Meeting Abstract P1-260 Saturday, Jan. 4 Brood-parasitized nestlings have higher baseline corticosterone concentrations BEBUS, SE*; JONES, BC; ANDERSON, RC; Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL; Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL; Florida Atlantic University, Davie, FL Intraspecific brood parasites lay their eggs in the nests of other species for host parents to care for and raise. Adults or […]