Meeting Abstract P1-150 Saturday, Jan. 4 Comparison of Parasite Occurrence Between Three Native and one Non-native Palaemon Species of Grass Shrimp SEMANCHIK, P*; BERGEY, L; LABAR, J; RITCHIE, L; HORVATH, T; Centenary University; Centenary University; Centenary University; Centenary University; Centenary University The presence of parasites in four species of Palaemon grass shrimp were investigated from four […]
sessions: Posters Session 1
Comparing Functional Traits in Feeding Morphologies of Hybrid Sunfish
Meeting Abstract P1-226 Saturday, Jan. 4 Comparing Functional Traits in Feeding Morphologies of Hybrid Sunfish CHENNAULT , M*; MARTINEZ , C; WAINWRIGHT , P; Howard Univeristy ; University of California, Davis ; University of California, Davis ; Howard University; Howard University; Howard University; Howard University Hybridization between species is a common occurrence in nature that has […]
Comparative developmental expression of neural crest genes in the blind Mexican cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus
Meeting Abstract P1-7 Saturday, Jan. 4 Comparative developmental expression of neural crest genes in the blind Mexican cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus PHELPS, AN*; LUC, HM; GROSS, JB; University of Cincinnati The neural crest is a transient embryonic tissue giving rise to diverse cell types including melanocytes, peripheral and enteric cells, neurons and glia, smooth muscle cells, cartilage, […]
Comparative body shapes of amphidromous goby fishes living in different predator regimes
Meeting Abstract P1-192 Saturday, Jan. 4 Comparative body shapes of amphidromous goby fishes living in different predator regimes GRINER, JG*; DIAMOND, KM; BLOB, RW; Clemson Univ.; Clemson Univ.; Clemson Univ. The evolution of morphological specializations across prey species might be driven by differences in the predators that species encounter. Species that are separated geographically often experience […]
Comparative analysis of developmental mechanisms and their plasticity with regard to changes in the environment derived species versus the pencil urchin, Eucidaris tribuloides
Meeting Abstract P1-8 Saturday, Jan. 4 Comparative analysis of developmental mechanisms and their plasticity with regard to changes in the environment: derived species versus the pencil urchin, Eucidaris tribuloides. ROMANO, L*; BROADY, C; JI, K; MADAR, M; SCOGGINS, N; WONG, M; Denison University We use the sea urchin as a model system to explore the evolution […]
Color Vision in Nymphalid Butterfly, Adelpha fessonia
Meeting Abstract P1-99 Saturday, Jan. 4 Color Vision in Nymphalid Butterfly, Adelpha fessonia DANG, A*; BERNARD, GD; OLGUIN, AR; MACIAS-MUNOZ, A; LAWRENCE, JP; HILL, RI; MULLEN, SP; BRISCOE, AD; University of California, Irvine; University of Washington, Seattle; Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and University of California, Irvine; University of California, Irvine; University of California, Irvine; University of […]
Circularly Polarized Light Reflectance of and Wing Interference Patterns from Insects
Meeting Abstract P1-93 Saturday, Jan. 4 Circularly Polarized Light Reflectance of and Wing Interference Patterns from Insects BAGGE, LE*; GOLDSTEIN, DH; LYONS, BA; WEHLING, MF; Air Force Research Lab, Eglin, FL and University of FL, Shalimar, FL; Air Force Research Lab, Eglin, FL; Air Force Research Lab, Eglin, FL; Air Force Research Lab, Eglin, FL Certain […]
Chronological ages of the coelacanths Latimeria chalumnae and Axelrodichthys araripensis by comparing ages from scales and bones
Meeting Abstract P1-209 Saturday, Jan. 4 Chronological ages of the coelacanths Latimeria chalumnae and Axelrodichthys araripensis by comparing ages from scales and bones NEWBREY, MG*; WOOLFOLK, FR; MARTíN-ABAD, H; MAISEY, JG; Department of Biology, Columbus State University, Columbus, GA; Department of Biology, Columbus State University, Columbus, GA; Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain; Paleontology Department, American Museum […]
Chimaeras, sharks, skates and rays, oh my Ecological structuring and evolutionary life-history traits of Chondrichthyes
Meeting Abstract P1-46 Saturday, Jan. 4 Chimaeras, sharks, skates and rays, oh my! Ecological structuring and evolutionary life-history traits of Chondrichthyes HALL, KC*; KOLMANN, MA; WILSON, GP; HUNDT, PJ; University of Washington; George Washington University; University of Washington; University of Minnesota Chondrichthyes (chimaeras, sharks, skates and rays) are a lineage of vertebrates with skeletons composed entirely […]
Chemoreception in Octopus bimaculoides
Meeting Abstract P1-114 Saturday, Jan. 4 Chemoreception in Octopus bimaculoides CASLETON, R*; MORGENTHALER, M; SHAIKH, S; SORGE, M; TUCKER, B; ESSENDRUP, I; BERMAN, S; PEET, MM; AUKES, DM; HE, X; MARVI, H; FISHER, RE; Arizona State University; Arizona State University; Arizona State University; Arizona State University; Arizona State University; Arizona State University; Arizona State University; Arizona State […]