Meeting Abstract P1-158 Saturday, Jan. 4 Does ecological overlap drive the evolution of mating display discrimination in female sea fireflies? HENSLEY, NM*; GERRISH, GA; SAHA, R; OAKLEY, TH; RIVERS, TJ; University of California, Santa Barbara; Trout Lake Station, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Bates College; University of California, Santa Barbara; University of Kansas Mating displays contribute […]
sessions: Posters Session 1
Do endotherms acclimate to heat Physiological responses to a simulated heat wave in free-living birds
Meeting Abstract P1-245 Saturday, Jan. 4 Do endotherms acclimate to heat? Physiological responses to a simulated heat wave in free-living birds WOODRUFF, MJ*; SERMERSHEIM, LO; ROSVALL, KA; Biology, Indiana University; Center for the Integrative Study of Animal Behavior, Indiana University; Biology, Indiana University Anthropogenic climate change is dramatically altering conditions across the globe, but there is […]
Do Diurnal Floral Visitors Increase the Fruit-set of a Sphingophilous Plant The Case of the Rough-leaf Velvetseed (Rubiaceae)
Meeting Abstract P1-138 Saturday, Jan. 4 Do Diurnal Floral Visitors Increase the Fruit-set of a Sphingophilous Plant?: The Case of the Rough-leaf Velvetseed (Rubiaceae) PIMIENTA, MC*; RUIZ, CA; KOPTUR, S; Florida International University, Miami, FL; Florida International University, Miami, FL; Florida International University, Miami, FL A large number of flowering plants rely on insects for sexual […]
Diving Behavior of Captive Reared Leatherback Turtles
Meeting Abstract P1-174 Saturday, Jan. 4 Diving Behavior of Captive Reared Leatherback Turtles DAVIS, TJ*; WYNEKEN, J; Florida Atlantic University; Florida Atlantic University Understanding diving behavior in marine organisms can shed light on important aspects of their biology such as ontogeny, foraging methods and migration. Studying diving behavior in pelagic species is particularly challenging because the […]
Diversification patterns and evolutionary drivers in the chameleon axial skeleton
Meeting Abstract P1-204 Saturday, Jan. 4 Diversification patterns and evolutionary drivers in the chameleon axial skeleton CROWNOVER, LA*; ANDERSON, CV; Univ South Dakota, Vermillion With over 200 taxa in twelve genera, chameleons exhibit an incredible amount of diversity in their morphology, ecology and behavior. While much of their anatomical diversity is evident from their extreme body […]
Differentiation and Notch signaling in the Cephalopod Retina
Meeting Abstract P1-4 Saturday, Jan. 4 Differentiation and Notch signaling in the Cephalopod Retina NEAL, S*; DALY, CMS; KOENIG, KM; Harvard University; Harvard University; Harvard University Squid, octopus and cuttlefish have a large and highly complex nervous system that supports a diversity of sophisticated behaviors. The complexity of the cephalopod nervous system evolved independently in molluscs […]
Differences in Early Embryo Cleavage Rate in Two Populations of Killifish (Fundulus grandis)
Meeting Abstract P1-12 Saturday, Jan. 4 Differences in Early Embryo Cleavage Rate in Two Populations of Killifish (Fundulus grandis) DANIEL, L*; DUBANSKY, B; BURGGREN, W; University of North Texas; University of North Texas; University of North Texas The first hours post-fertilization represent critical time points in teleost development, and may be an overlooked source of adult […]
Dietary Niche Overlap of Native and Invasive Anoles on Dominica
Meeting Abstract P1-146 Saturday, Jan. 4 Dietary Niche Overlap of Native and Invasive Anoles on Dominica CONNOR, C*; ZINN, D; WILLIAMS, DA; WATSON, CM; Midwestern State University; Midwestern State University; Texas Christian University; Midwestern State University Invasive species can negatively affect a community by taking resources otherwise used by native species. Among the most direct […]
Diet-Related Plasticity in Rodent Masticatory Muscles
Meeting Abstract P1-218 Saturday, Jan. 4 Diet-Related Plasticity in Rodent Masticatory Muscles MENEGAZ, R*; ROSSITER, JA; LAROCQUE, H; BOLEY, A; KILE, R; SAAVEDRA, R; University of North Texas Health Science Center, Fort Worth The musculoskeletal system is dynamic, adapting to changes in biomechanical loading through the process of functional adaptation. Hard, mechanically resistant diets increase the […]
Diet switching in mammalian herbivores dietary specialization and toxin tolerance in two woodrat species
Meeting Abstract P1-148 Saturday, Jan. 4 Diet switching in mammalian herbivores: dietary specialization and toxin tolerance in two woodrat species ORR, TJ*; YAMADA, KYH; NELSON, MD; MATOCQ, MD; NIELSEN, DP; SHAPRIO, MD; DEARING, MD; New Mexico State University; Auburn University; University of Utah; University of Nevada, Reno; University of Nevada, Reno; University of Utah; University of Utah; […]