Meeting Abstract P1-51 Saturday, Jan. 4 Using computational approach to identify candidate odorant receptor genes in the most common firefly species in North America, Photinus pyralis TRAN, HN*; LOWER, SE; Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA; Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA The insect odorant receptor (Or) gene family has been studied and hypothesized to play a critical role in […]
sessions: Posters Session 1
Using a meta-barcoding method for studying population dynamics of larval invasive and native fishes in the Eastern Mediterranean
Meeting Abstract P1-122 Saturday, Jan. 4 Using a meta-barcoding method for studying population dynamics of larval invasive and native fishes in the Eastern Mediterranean KOLKER GHATAN, M*; BELMAKER, Y; KIFLAWI, M; MEIRI, S; HOLZMAN, R; Tel Aviv University ; Tel Aviv University ; Ben-Gurion University; Tel Aviv University ; Tel Aviv University Accurate species-level identification, along […]
Using a complex chemical landscape to find an ideal habitat under predation threat
Meeting Abstract P1-115 Saturday, Jan. 4 Using a complex chemical landscape to find an ideal habitat under predation threat ADAMS, AN*; WOFFORD, SJ; Behavioral and Sensory Ecology Laboratory, Dept of Biology, Jacksonville State University; Behavioral and Sensory Ecology Laboratory, Dept of Biology, Jacksonville State University Animals rely on information from their environment to detect predators, prey, […]
Using Therapeutic Play to Alleviate Stress in Shelter Dogs
Meeting Abstract P1-88 Saturday, Jan. 4 Using Therapeutic Play to Alleviate Stress in Shelter Dogs CONGDON, ER*; EVANS, MB; Bethune-Cookman University; TheraPet Inc. One challenge of having dogs adopted from shelters is the excitement they show when being visited that may not be representative of their personality, but rather a symptom of being kenneled for the […]
Using Microscope or MicroCT Images to Measure Compound Eye Optics
Meeting Abstract P1-98 Saturday, Jan. 4 Using Microscope or MicroCT Images to Measure Compound Eye Optics CURREA, JP*; SONDHI, Y; THEOBALD, JC; CURREA, Joh; Florida International University; Wellesley College; Florida International University; Wellesley College Eye structure directly limits what an animal can see. By studying the natural range of eye designs we can learn a great […]
Unique Tektin Gene Complements Support the Position of Xenacoelomorpha at the Base of Bilaterians, and the Inclusion of Chaetognaths within a Spiralian Clade
Meeting Abstract P1-27 Saturday, Jan. 4 Unique Tektin Gene Complements Support the Position of Xenacoelomorpha at the Base of Bilaterians, and the Inclusion of Chaetognaths within a Spiralian Clade SCHNEIDER, SQ*; BASTIN, BR; HO, S; Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan; Iowa State University, Ames, IA; Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan Currently, the phylogenetic positions of Xenacoelomorpha as […]
Uncovering the Biodiversity of New Zealand Aplacophorans
Meeting Abstract P1-123 Saturday, Jan. 4 Uncovering the Biodiversity of New Zealand Aplacophorans MCCUTCHEON, MM*; KOCOT, KM; University of Alabama; University of Alabama and Alabama Museum of Natural History Aplacophorans are shell-less, worm-shaped molluscs that inhabit benthic marine habitats around the world. Fewer than 500 species of aplacophorans have been described to date but the […]
Trends in Spatial Acuity Across the Sea Urchins
Meeting Abstract P1-107 Saturday, Jan. 4 Trends in Spatial Acuity Across the Sea Urchins NOTAR, JC*; JOHNSEN, S; Duke University; Duke University Sea urchins lack eyes, yet several species have been shown to have spatial vision via behavioral assay. It has been suggested that their spatial acuity is determined by the density of spines across […]
Transcriptome assembly quality affects phylogenomic inference
Meeting Abstract P1-26 Saturday, Jan. 4 Transcriptome assembly quality affects phylogenomic inference SPILLANE, JL*; LAPOLICE, TM; MACMANES, MD; PLACHETZKI, DC; University of New Hampshire; University of New Hampshire; University of New Hampshire; University of New Hampshire Building accurate phylogenies is the first step in understanding the evolution of complexity and novelty. Genome-scale datasets leverage great power […]
Three-dimensional reconstruction of the hagfish feeding apparatus using diceCT
Meeting Abstract P1-205 Saturday, Jan. 4 Three-dimensional reconstruction of the hagfish feeding apparatus using diceCT CLARK, A*; CARUSO, A; GIGNAC, P; UYENO, T; College of Charleston ; College of Charleston ; Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences; Valdosta State University Hagfishes are jawless fishes that grasp and swallow food items with protractible dental plates. A […]