Meeting Abstract P1-249 Saturday, Jan. 4 Expanding the dexamethasone suppression test: assessing multiple synthetic glucocorticoids in house sparrows (Passer domesticus) GORMALLY, BMG*; MACY, RR; MARTIN, K; WRIGHT-LICHTER, JX; ROMERO, LM; Tufts University; Tufts University; Tufts University; Tufts University; Tufts University For over 50 years, dexamethasone (Dex) has been the predominant synthetic glucocorticoid used to test […]
sessions: Posters Session 1
Exaptation as a possible mechanism facilitating invasion of extreme environments
Meeting Abstract P1-72 Saturday, Jan. 4 Exaptation as a possible mechanism facilitating invasion of extreme environments BARTS, N*; NIEVES, N; TROJAHN, S; KELLEY, J; TOBLER, M; Kansas State University; Kansas State University; Washington State University; Washington State University; Kansas State University Extreme environments push organisms to their physiological limits, and recent literature is rich in studies […]
Examining Metabolic Allometry Among Birds A Phylogenetic Approach
Meeting Abstract P1-21 Saturday, Jan. 4 Examining Metabolic Allometry Among Birds: A Phylogenetic Approach GIANCARLI, SM*; DUNHAM, AE; O’CONNOR, MP; Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA; Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA Metabolic allometries typically take the form of power functions, and the Metabolic Theory of Ecology (MTE) asserts a “universal” three-quarter power for such […]
Ex-spleen-ing Trade-offs Between Immunity and Reproduction during Parental Care in the Rock Dove, Columba livia
Meeting Abstract P1-84 Saturday, Jan. 4 Ex-spleen-ing Trade-offs Between Immunity and Reproduction during Parental Care in the Rock Dove, Columba livia VIERNES, RC*; FARRAR , VS; AUSTIN , S; FEUSTEL, T; FLORES, L; ASMAI, R; ARIAS, JG; CALISI, RM; University of California, Davis Caring for offspring often requires various behavioral and biological tradeoffs, such as decreased […]
Evolving pressure tolerance in enzymes of abyssal and hadal fishes
Meeting Abstract P1-52 Saturday, Jan. 4 Evolving pressure tolerance in enzymes of abyssal and hadal fishes GERRINGER, ME*; YANCEY, PH; TIKHONOVA, OV; VAVVLOV, NE; ZGODA, VG; DAVYDOV, DR; State University of New York at Geneseo; Whitman College, Walla Walla, WA; Institute of Biomedical Chemistry, Moscow, Russia; Institute of Biomedical Chemistry, Moscow, Russia; Institute of Biomedical Chemistry, Moscow, […]
Evolution of notochordal foramina in actinopterygian fishes
Meeting Abstract P1-214 Saturday, Jan. 4 Evolution of notochordal foramina in actinopterygian fishes BAXTER, D*; FARINA, SC; FATH, MA; TYTELL, ED; DONATELLI, CM; Tufts University; Howard University; Tufts University; Tufts University; University of Ottawa Most fish species have a hole that passes through the center of each vertebrae, called the “notochordal foramen.” Since the notochord passes […]
Environmental factors influence sex roles and nest site selection in cichlids
Meeting Abstract P1-75 Saturday, Jan. 4 Environmental factors influence sex roles and nest site selection in cichlids GOGEL , CA*; MULLIN, SM; LEESE, JM; DeSales University, Center Valley, PA; DeSales University, Center Valley, PA; DeSales University, Center Valley PA One of the most important decisions many animals face in their lifetime is determining where to raise […]
Environmental DNA captures shifts in Caribbean fish communities associated with the invasive seagrass Halophila stipulacea
Meeting Abstract P1-144 Saturday, Jan. 4 Environmental DNA captures shifts in Caribbean fish communities associated with the invasive seagrass Halophila stipulacea DRUMMOND, JA*; BRANDAO, PB; BRANDT, ME; EGAN, SP; CORREA, AMS; Rice University, Houston TX; Rice University, Houston TX; University of the Virgin Islands, USVI; Rice University, Houston TX; Rice University, Houston TX Native Caribbean seagrasses, […]
Endocrine Control of Retinal Sensitivity in Hyla cinerea
Meeting Abstract P1-103 Saturday, Jan. 4 Endocrine Control of Retinal Sensitivity in Hyla cinerea WALKOWSKI, W G*; SANTANA, A; LESLIE, C E; GORDON, W C; BAZAN, N G; FARRIS, H F; Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy LSUHSC, New Orleans and Neuroscience Center of Excellence LSUHSC, New Orleans; Neuroscience Center of Excellence LSUHSC, New Orleans; Department of […]
Electrosensory and metabolic responses of weakly electric fish to changing water conductivity
Meeting Abstract P1-160 Saturday, Jan. 4 Electrosensory and metabolic responses of weakly electric fish to changing water conductivity WISER, SD*; MARKHAM, MR; University of Oklahoma South American weakly electric fish use self-generated electric fields, known as electric organ discharges (EODs), to navigate their environment and communicate. These fish are categorized either as wave-type fish that produce […]