Meeting Abstract P1-38 Saturday, Jan. 4 From Killer Hornet Saliva to Mutated Super Flies: Investigating the Effect of Vespa Amino Acid Mixture (VAAM) on Energetics, Longevity, and Fitness AMMEN, SC*; DAVIS, JE; Radford University; Radford University Vespa Amino Acid Mixture (VAAM) is a unique blend of amino acids found in the saliva of larval Asian giant […]
sessions: Posters Session 1
Fossil bats’ (Myotis velifer) jaw morphology changes through time and with climate change in Hall’s Cave, Texas
Meeting Abstract P1-53 Saturday, Jan. 4 Fossil bats’ (Myotis velifer) jaw morphology changes through time and with climate change in Hall’s Cave, Texas MOROZ, MJ*; KEMP, ME; University of Texas at Austin The cave myotis, Myotis velifer, is a species of insectivorous bat distributed throughout the Southwestern US and Mexico. Fossils are known from several […]
First Documentation of Breeding Aggregations of the Ringed Salamander, Ambystoma annulatum, in Oklahoma, USA
Meeting Abstract P1-134 Saturday, Jan. 4 First Documentation of Breeding Aggregations of the Ringed Salamander, Ambystoma annulatum, in Oklahoma, USA CARLSON, TC*; CABRERA-GUZMÁN, EC; FOX, SF; Oklahoma State University; Oklahoma State University; Oklahoma State University The ringed salamander, Ambystoma annulatum, is a cryptic ambystomatid species from the Ozark Highlands and Ouachita Mountains of Arkansas, Missouri, and […]
Female Mate Preference in Convict Cichlids Influenced by Intrasexual Competition and Male Quality
Meeting Abstract P1-165 Saturday, Jan. 4 Female Mate Preference in Convict Cichlids Influenced by Intrasexual Competition and Male Quality GOMES AVERSA, M D*; HARTLEY, J G; LEESE, J M; DeSales University, Center Valley, PA Sexual selection, the ultimate mechanism driving the evolution of sexual dimorphism in animals, includes both intra and inter-sexual components. Here, the interaction […]
Feeding Performance Differences in High and Low Predation Guppies Raised with Different Food Presentations
Meeting Abstract P1-222 Saturday, Jan. 4 Feeding Performance Differences in High and Low Predation Guppies Raised with Different Food Presentations EDWARDS, KM*; REZNICK, DN; University of California, Riverside; University of California, Riverside Trinidadian guppies (Poecilia reticulata) are found in the mountain streams of northern Trinidad, where they co-occur with a diversity of predators. However, the distribution […]
FeedCycle Facilitating rapid post-processing of XROMM data from mammalian feeding experiments
Meeting Abstract P1-220 Saturday, Jan. 4 FeedCycle: Facilitating rapid post-processing of XROMM data from mammalian feeding experiments CHADWELL, BA; OLSON, RA*; MONTUELLE, SJ; WILLIAMS, SH; Idaho College of Osteopathic Medicine; Ohio University; Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine; Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine XROMM studies of mammalian feeding have produced a daunting amount […]
Feather corticosterone concentrations not related to DNA damage in house sparrows
Meeting Abstract P1-241 Saturday, Jan. 4 Feather corticosterone concentrations not related to DNA damage in house sparrows WRIGHT-LICHTER, JX*; GORMALLY, BMG; ROMERO, LM; Tufts University; Tufts University; Tufts University The goal of this study was to determine if there is a relationship between feather corticosterone levels and DNA damage in domestic house sparrows (Passer domesticus). Molt […]
Fatty acid composition of native milkweed species (Asclepias) of North Texas made available to insect predators
Meeting Abstract P1-263 Saturday, Jan. 4 Fatty acid composition of native milkweed species (Asclepias) of North Texas made available to insect predators TORRES, T*; WATSON, CM; SHIPLEY, MM; Midwestern State University; Midwestern State University; Midwestern State University Milkweed are latex producing plants that are familiar perennials in the grasslands of North America, and serve as an […]
Expression Analysis of In-Frame Indel Mutations in Astyanax Cave- and Surface-Dwelling Fish
Meeting Abstract P1-13 Saturday, Jan. 4 Expression Analysis of In-Frame Indel Mutations in Astyanax Cave- and Surface-Dwelling Fish LUC, HM*; BERNING, DJ; ADAMS, H; GROSS, JB; University of Cincinnati; University of Cincinnati; University of Cincinnati; University of Cincinnati Troglobites exhibit extreme phenotypic changes such as eye loss, albinism, and expanded non-visual senses. The Mexican tetra, Astyanax […]
Experimental evidence that parasites alter patterns of phenotypic selection in a wild lizard population
Meeting Abstract P1-61 Saturday, Jan. 4 Experimental evidence that parasites alter patterns of phenotypic selection in a wild lizard population WITTMAN, TN*; COX, RM; University of Virginia; University of Virginia Parasites impose substantial fitness costs on their hosts. Accordingly, parasitism is predicted to be an important selective force shaping the evolution of host phenotypes. While there […]