Modeling glucocorticoid physiology, glucose mobilization, and return rate in migrating Mountain White-crowned Sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys oriantha)

Meeting Abstract P1-255  Saturday, Jan. 4  Modeling glucocorticoid physiology, glucose mobilization, and return rate in migrating Mountain White-crowned Sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys oriantha) CHRISLER, AD*; ANTUNES, IK; KIMBALL, MG; MALISCH, JL; St. Mary’s College of Maryland; St. Mary’s College of Maryland; Louisiana State University; St. Mary’s College of Maryland Natural environments are unpredictable and the survival of […]

Mismatched Do Northern Kelp crabs (Pugettia producta) eat where they live

Meeting Abstract P1-23  Saturday, Jan. 4  Mismatched: Do Northern Kelp crabs (Pugettia producta) eat where they live? CORDOVA, KC*; FARR, D; DETHIER, MN; DOBKOWSKI, KA; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; University of Southern California; Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington; Bates College Nearshore kelp forests and seagrass meadows create complex 3-D habitats that house […]

Mild Developmental Stress and its Effects on Adult Tissue Oxidative Status

Meeting Abstract P1-251  Saturday, Jan. 4  Mild Developmental Stress and its Effects on Adult Tissue Oxidative Status HOFFMAN, AJ*; FINGER, JW; WADA, H; Auburn University Oxidative status has been implicated as playing a vital role in physiological processes and mediating life histories, as well as adaptive phenotypic adjustments to stressors. The antioxidant defense system is also […]

Migratory state and patterns of steroid hormone receptor expression in the pectoralis muscle of a nomadic migrant, the pine siskin (Spinus pinus)

Meeting Abstract P1-172  Saturday, Jan. 4  Migratory state and patterns of steroid hormone receptor expression in the pectoralis muscle of a nomadic migrant, the pine siskin (Spinus pinus) VERNASCO, BJ*; EMMERSON, MG; GILBERT, ER; SEWALL, KB; WATTS, HE; Washington State University; Virginia Tech; Virginia Tech; Virginia Tech; Washington State University The flight muscles of birds undergo […]

Microstructure and Mineralogy in Dental Plates of Harriotta raleaghae (Holocephali) Novel Dentine and Conserved Patterning Combine to Create a Unique Chondrichthyan Dentition

Meeting Abstract P1-230  Saturday, Jan. 4  Microstructure and Mineralogy in Dental Plates of Harriotta raleaghae (Holocephali): Novel Dentine and Conserved Patterning Combine to Create a Unique Chondrichthyan Dentition JOHANSON, Z*; UNDERWOOD, C; TWITCHETT, R; SMITH, M; Natural History Museum, London, UK; Birkeck, University of London, UK; Natural History Museum, London, UK; King’s College, London, UK Among […]

Microbiomes of a corallivore (Hermodice carunculata) where in the worm are the coral microbes

Meeting Abstract P1-271  Saturday, Jan. 4  Microbiomes of a corallivore (Hermodice carunculata): where in the worm are the coral microbes? GRIMES, CJ*; LABONTÈ, J; LOPEZ, JV; SCHULZE, A; Texas A&M University at Galveston; Texas A&M University at Galveston; Nova Southeastern University ; Texas A&M University at Galveston The bearded fireworm, Hermodice carunculata, is a widespread annelid […]

Mapping the Contact Call Variation of Urban Invasive Parrots as a Model for Understanding Vocal Dialect Formation

Meeting Abstract P1-153  Saturday, Jan. 4  Mapping the Contact Call Variation of Urban Invasive Parrots as a Model for Understanding Vocal Dialect Formation. HELLMICH, DL*; WRIGHT, TF; New Mexico State University; New Mexico State University Understanding the function of vocal dialects is a key interest of researchers interested in the evolution of culturally transmitted traits. However, […]

Management of P montana Effects on Plant Community Diversity

Meeting Abstract P1-135  Saturday, Jan. 4  Management of P. montana Effects on Plant Community Diversity PROFETTO, GM*; HOWARD, JJ; University of New Orleans ; University of New Orleans Invasive species have well-documented negative effects on native communities, but trajectories of community recovery after the removal of invaders are still relatively poorly understood. Kudzu, Pueraria montana var. lobata […]

Male body size evolves more rapidly than female body size

Meeting Abstract P1-30  Saturday, Jan. 4  Male body size evolves more rapidly than female body size GHIONE, C*; LOUGH-STEVENS, M; DEAN, M; University of Southern California; University of Southern California; University of Southern Caliornia; University of Southern California; University of Southern California; University of Southern California; University of Southern California In mammals, males are often bigger […]

Magnetic Map Sense of Gulf Flounder (Paralichthys albigutta)

Meeting Abstract P1-110  Saturday, Jan. 4  Magnetic Map Sense of Gulf Flounder (Paralichthys albigutta) TSAI, E*; NAISBETT-JONES, L; LOHMANN, C; LOHMANN, K; Department of Biology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Department of Biology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Department of Biology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Department of […]

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