Meeting Abstract P1-44 Saturday, Jan. 4 Phenotypic and Genetic Correlations between Life History Traits in a Self-Fertilizing Hermaphroditic Fish ROBERTSON, CM*; GIAKAS, JA; STYGA, JM; FORTUNATO, JA; EARLEY, RL; University of Alabama; University of Alabama; Centre College; University of Alabama; University of Alabama Offspring size and number are essential components of individual fitness. However, the ideal […]
sessions: Posters Session 1
Phenotypic Variation in Invasion and Community Assembly
Meeting Abstract P1-43 Saturday, Jan. 4 Phenotypic Variation in Invasion and Community Assembly PETERSON, CR*; BOLNICK, DI; University of Texas at Austin; University of Connecticut Human activity has vastly accelerated the rate of novel community assembly through invasive species, habitat alteration, and climate change. As these processes often involve rapid adaptation to new conditions, incorporating […]
Patterning and development of the beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) fluke
Meeting Abstract P1-11 Saturday, Jan. 4 Patterning and development of the beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) fluke GAVAZZI, LM*; COOPER, LN; THEWISSEN , JGM; Kent State University, Kent, OH and Northeast Ohio Medical University, Rootstown, OH; Northeast Ohio Medical University, Rootstown, OH; Northeast Ohio Medical University, Rootstown, OH Cetaceans, the order containing whales, dolphins, and porpoises, utilize […]
Paternal removal leads to changes in learning ability and sociality in zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) offspring
Meeting Abstract P1-82 Saturday, Jan. 4 Paternal removal leads to changes in learning ability and sociality in zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) offspring RILEY, AK*; GRINDSTAFF, JL; Oklahoma State University; Oklahoma State University Maternal removal enhances fearfulness, increases the expression of antisocial behaviors, and induces learning deficits in both mammalian and avian offspring. Maternal removal may also […]
Oyster toadfish calling in noisy NYC waters
Meeting Abstract P1-164 Saturday, Jan. 4 Oyster toadfish calling in noisy NYC waters HOM, KN*; TERRAZAS, M; FORLANO, PM; CUNY Graduate Center; St. Mary’s College; CUNY Brooklyn College Aquatic animals that require sound to communicate and find mates need to filter out relevant signals from noise in their environment. There are limited studies on how ecologically […]
Otospermophilus mckayensis and the Evolution of Burrowing in Oligo-Miocene Squirrels
Meeting Abstract P1-58 Saturday, Jan. 4 Otospermophilus mckayensis and the Evolution of Burrowing in Oligo-Miocene Squirrels ORCUTT, JD*; RITCHEY, TE; VIETRI, CB; Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA; Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA; Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA The Cenozoic spread of grasslands drove morphological, physiological, and behavioral transitions in many mammal taxa, perhaps the most profound of which was […]
Osteology and Myology of Pterycombus petersii, with Insights into the Functional Tradeoff Between Feeding and Locomotion
Meeting Abstract P1-188 Saturday, Jan. 4 Osteology and Myology of Pterycombus petersii, with Insights into the Functional Tradeoff Between Feeding and Locomotion GILBERT, MC*; LEROSE, C; CONITH, A; MOYER, JK; HUSKEY, S; ALBERTSON, RC; Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Univ. MA, Amherst; Biology Department, Univ. MA, Amherst; Biology Department, Univ. MA, Amherst; Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Univ. MA, […]
Orientation of the orbit predicts feeding ecology in marine mammals
Meeting Abstract P1-194 Saturday, Jan. 4 Orientation of the orbit predicts feeding ecology in marine mammals PEREDO, C.M*; MARSHALL, C.D; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Texas A&M University, Galveston Marine mammals represent textbook examples of macroevolutionary change to facilitate their transition to life in the water. Carnivorous marine mammals, such as cetaceans and pinnipeds, have […]
Oral Histories to Improve Coastal Restoration
Meeting Abstract P1-235 Saturday, Jan. 4 Oral Histories to Improve Coastal Restoration SACKS, PE*; WALTERS, LJ; DONNELLY, MJ; University of Central Florida, Orlando; University of Central Florida, Orlando; University of Central Florida, Orlando Habitat restoration attempts to bring back critical ecosystem services lost from overharvesting and habitat degradation. Local anecdotal information can be combined with maps/photographs […]
Ontogeny of Caquetaia spectabilis Delayed Skull Development Accommodates Extreme Jaw Protrusion
Meeting Abstract P1-191 Saturday, Jan. 4 Ontogeny of Caquetaia spectabilis: Delayed Skull Development Accommodates Extreme Jaw Protrusion GILBERT, MC*; LEROSE, C; CONITH, A; COX FERNANDES, C; ALBERTSON, RC; Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Univ. MA, Amherst; Biology Department, Univ. MA, Amherst; Biology Department, Univ. MA, Amherst; Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Manaus, Brazil; Biology Department, Univ. MA, […]