From soma to germ line birth, growth and transformation of a novel gene

SOCIETY FOR INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY 2021 VIRTUAL ANNUAL MEETING (VAM)January 3 – Febuary 28, 2021 Meeting Abstract PLEN-1  Sun Jan 3 12:30 – 13:30  From soma to germ line: birth, growth and transformation of a novel gene Extavour, CG; Harvard University TBD

Plenary Lecture – Impact and discovery extreme movement in an interdisciplinary and political world

Meeting Abstract PLEN-1  Friday, Jan. 3 19:30 – 20:30  Plenary Lecture – Impact and discovery: extreme movement in an interdisciplinary and political world PATEK, S.N.; Duke University Organisms moving at the outer known extremes of speeds and accelerations reveal new phenomena that push the boundaries of knowledge in numerous fields. The very first ultra-high speed […]

Putting the Organism in its Environment Ecological Biomechanics

Meeting Abstract PLE.1    Putting the Organism in its Environment: Ecological Biomechanics KOEHL, M. A. R. ; University of California, Berkeley Organisms function in environments where they interact with the fluids, objects, and other organisms around them. We can gain insights about how organisms work if we couple knowledge of their physical and biotic environments, ecological […]

Storytelling skills Now mandatory for a career in science

Meeting Abstract PLEN.1  Friday, Jan. 3 19:30  Storytelling skills: Now mandatory for a career in science Olson, R; Randy Olson is a scientist-turned filmmaker, who earned his Ph.D. with former SICB President Ken Sebens. Randy was a Professor of Marine Biology at the Univerersity of New Hampshire until he became an independent filmmaker. Randy is the […]

Integrative and Comparative Ecology

Meeting Abstract PLEN.1  Saturday, Jan. 3 19:30  Integrative and Comparative Ecology SEBENS, Kenneth P; University of Washington, Seattle The integrative and comparative theme runs through all areas comprising SICB, and is a hallmark of our approach to research. Ecologists have been almost forced to use this approach, given the complex nature of the systems they […]

Follow the Yellow Brick Road An Odyssey from Myoplasm to Marine Biology to Genomics

Meeting Abstract PLEN-1  Wednesday, Jan. 4 19:30 – 20:30  Follow the Yellow Brick Road: An Odyssey from Myoplasm to Marine Biology to Genomics SWALLA, B.J.; University of Washington at Seattle Follow the Yellow Brick Road, from an undergraduate at the University of Iowa with a keen interest in eggs to the Director of a Marine […]

Science and Scandal Reporting on Biology In An Age of Controversy

Meeting Abstract PLENARY-1  Wednesday, Jan. 3 19:30 – 20:30  Science and Scandal: Reporting on Biology In An Age of Controversy ZIMMER, Carl; Columnist, New York Times Throughout its modern history, biology has attracted public controversy–whether at the Scopes Monkey Trial or in protests against stem cell research. But in 2018 biologists are facing an especially […]

Key innovation and diversity in fish jaws A SICB story

Meeting Abstract PL-1  Thursday, Jan. 3 19:30 – 20:30  Key innovation and diversity in fish jaws: A SICB story WAINWRIGHT, PC; University of California, Davis The concept of key innovation is among the most unifying ideas in integrative and comparative biology. Key innovations are evolutionary novelties that allow organisms to interact with the environment in […]

the Society for
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