Meeting Abstract Other Events Tuesday. Tuesday, Jan. 4 Workshop: Introduction to Comparative Methods in R 8:00- 10:00pm Deer Valley (M)
sessions: Other Events Tuesday
Workshop Implementation of the Grand Challenges Noon-300pm Ballroom J, Convention Center
Meeting Abstract Other Events Tuesday. Tuesday, Jan. 4 Workshop: Implementation of the Grand Challenges Noon-3:00pm Ballroom J, Convention Center This will be a 3 hour workshop with the first 40 mins or so for a series of short presentations (?10min each), and the final 2+ hours for directed discussion of some key questions. The primary objective is […]
TCS Board Meeting 515-10pm Executive Boardroom (M)
Meeting Abstract Other Events Tuesday. Tuesday, Jan. 4 TCS Board Meeting 5:15-10pm Executive Boardroom (M)
SICB Nominating Comm 800-900pm Cottonwood (M)
Meeting Abstract Other Events Tuesday. Tuesday, Jan. 4 SICB Nominating Comm 8:00-9:00pm Cottonwood (M)
Div Chrs PresPres-Elect Noon-1pm Boardroom, Convention Ctr
Meeting Abstract Other Events Tuesday. Tuesday, Jan. 4 Div Chrs Pres/Pres-Elect Noon-1pm Boardroom, Convention Ctr
DPOs and Symposium Organizers for Charleston Noon-1pm-253AB
Meeting Abstract Other Events Tuesday. Tuesday, Jan. 4 DPOs and Symposium Organizers for Charleston Noon-1pm-253AB
DEE Mtg 515-615pm 151ABC
Meeting Abstract Other Events Tuesday. Tuesday, Jan. 4 DEE Mtg 5:15-6:15pm 151ABC
DEDBDDCB Mtg 515-615pm 151 DEF
Meeting Abstract Other Events Tuesday. Tuesday, Jan. 4 DEDB/DDCB Mtg 5:15-6:15pm 151 DEF
DCPB Social 730-830pm-Registration Foyer
Meeting Abstract Other Events Tuesday. Tuesday, Jan. 4 DCPB Social 7:30-8:30pm-Registration Foyer
DCPB Mtg 515-615pm 151G
Meeting Abstract Other Events Tuesday. Tuesday, Jan. 4 DCPB Mtg 5:15-6:15pm 151G