NIELSEN, C.; Zoological Museum, Copenhagen, Denmark: Trochophora larvae and animal phylogeny The trochophore has been a central concept in speculations on metazoan evolution for more than a century. Hatschek summarized the more or less scattered observations on ciliated marine larvae over several decades and of his own observations, especially of the larvae of Polygordius and […]
sessions: MS4
The search for evolutionary developmental mechanisms
HALL, B. K.; Dalhousie Univ.: The search for evolutionary developmental mechanisms. I am grateful for the honor bestowed by the St Petersburg Soc. of Naturalist with the awarding of an Alexander Kowalevsky Medal. Initially, I will outline the contributions to evolutionary embryology/morphology made by Kowalevsky, especially how his research opened up an entirely new theory […]
The Evolutionary Significance of Early Development
FREEMAN, G.; Univ. Texas: The Evolutionary Significance of Early Development Many features of the body plans of animal phyla are blocked out during early development even though additional body plan altering events can occur later during development of animals with complex life cycles. These developmental periods are frequently referred to as ‘phylotypic stages’; this isa […]
GILBERT, S. F.; MIKHAILOV, A. T.; Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA; University of La Coru�a, Spain: THE RE-ESTABLISHMENT of the A. O. KOWALEVSKY MEDAL The St. Petersburg Society of Naturalists has reinstated the Alexander O. Kowalevsky Medal for Evolutionary and Comparative Embryology. This medal was instituted in 1910, but it had not been awarded until 2001. […]
Rupert Riedl and the re-synthesis of Development and Evolution
WAGNER, G.; Yale Univ, New Haven: Rupert Riedl and the re-synthesis of Development and Evolution The professional work of Rupert Riedl covers a lot of ground, spanning from comparative invertebrate anatomy and systematics to marine ecology, to evolutionary theory and philosophy of science as well as environmental ethics. In the context of this symposium the […]
From pattern to process learning mechanisms of evolution from comparative developmental biology
RAFF, R. A.; Indiana Univ.: �From pattern to process: learning mechanisms of evolution from comparative developmental biology� We use several strategies to study radical evolutionary transformation in developmental modes of these closely related species Australian sea urchin species, Heliocidaris erythrogramma and H. tuberculata. Our approaches include the production of cross species hybrids between these two […]
Evo-Devo Studies in Insects – Roots and Fruits
SANDER, K.; SCHMIDT-OTT, U.; Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, Germany; Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, Germany: Evo-Devo Studies in Insects – Roots and Fruits TBA