ENG, E.W.*; FILOSA, M.F.; AMEMIYA, Y.; COCHRAN, P.; YOUSON, J.H.; Univ. of Toronto at Scarborough, Toronto, Ontario; as Author 1; as Author 1; Saint Mary’s University, Winona, Minnesota; as Author 1: Variation in Lamprey Albumin: A Link to Life History Strategy? Previous studies in our lab showed that the parasitic, anadromous Petromyzon marinus contains two […]
sessions: MS2
The effects of temperature on haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) muscle development through ontogeny
MARTELL, D.J.*; TRIPPEL, E.A.; KIEFFER, J.D.; Univ. of New Brunswick/St. Andrews Biological Station; St. Andrews Biological Station; Univ. of New Brunswick: The effects of temperature on haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) muscle development through ontogeny Development in fish is not a static process as events are tightly interlinked and highly reliant on environmental variables, such as temperature. […]
Temperature-Dependent Reproductive and Behavioral Plasticity in Breeding Birds
SALVANTE, K.G.*; WALZEM, R.L.; WILLIAMS, T.D.; Simon Fraser Univ., Burnaby, B.C.; Texas A&M Univ., College Station; Simon Fraser Univ., Burnaby, B.C.: Temperature-Dependent Reproductive and Behavioral Plasticity in Breeding Birds Avian reproduction is generally timed to synchronize chick-rearing with periods of increased food abundance. Consequently, the energetically-demanding period of egg production may coincide with periods of […]
Steroid Hormone Profiles and Relative Condition of Calling and Satellite Toads Implications for Proximate Regulation of Behavioral Phenotypes
LEARY, C.J.; JESSOP, T.S.; GARCIA, A.M.; KNAPP, R.; Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman: Steroid Hormone Profiles and Relative Condition of Calling and Satellite Toads: Implications for Proximate Regulation of Behavioral Phenotypes Males of most anuran species (frogs and toads) vocalize to attract mates, however, individuals of many species may adopt alternative non-calling “satellite” tactics. Satellite males […]
Resource mediated plasticity in allocation between growth and storage in the grasshopper, Schistocerca americana
HAHN, D.A.; The University of Arizona: Resource mediated plasticity in allocation between growth and storage in the grasshopper, Schistocerca americana. Many organisms have been shown to change resource allocation strategies in response to resource availability. This plasticity allows organisms to maximize fitness in different environments by changing allocation patterns. Body size and nutrient reserves are […]
Prior Experience with Photostimulation Accelerates Photo-induced Reproductive Development in Female European Starlings
SOCKMAN, K.W.*; HAHN, T.P.; WILLIAMS, T.D.; BALL, G.F.; Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore; Univ. of California, Davis; Simon Fraser Univ., Burnaby; Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore: Prior Experience with Photostimulation Accelerates Photo-induced Reproductive Development in Female European Starlings Individuals reproducing early in the breeding season usually enjoy greater reproductive success than late breeders. For first-year female birds, […]
Multiple Mechanisms for Phenotype Development
SEMSAR, K*; GODWIN, J; North Carolina State University; North Carolina State University: Multiple Mechanisms for Phenotype Development In most vertebrate species, androgens are necessary for the organization and function of the male-typical phenotype, including critical neurohormone systems underlying male behavior such as the arginine vasotocin (AVT) system. However, female bluehead wrasses, a coral reef fish […]
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors Interact to Mediate Mating Tactic Switches
HUMFELD, Sarah C; University of Missouri-Columbia: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors Interact to Mediate Mating Tactic Switches An important example of phenotypic variation is alternative behaviours used for mate acquisition. Alternative reproductive behaviours are usually considered to be a consequence of male-male competition for a limited number of females, in which only a subset of males […]
How to test if plasticity is adaptive
MINER, B.G.*; University of Florida: How to test if plasticity is adaptive Biologists have become increasingly interested in the evolutionary and ecological role of phenotypic plasticity in natural systems, and many studies assert that plasticity is adaptive. However, the theory to test the adaptivity of phenotypic plasticity has not been well developed, and few of […]
Differential Energy Reserve Utilization During the Postweaning Fast of Northern Elephant Seals Implications for the First Year of Life
NOREN, D.P.; University of California, Santa Cruz and National Marine Mammal Laboratory: Differential Energy Reserve Utilization During the Postweaning Fast of Northern Elephant Seals: Implications for the First Year of Life During fasting, lipid reserves are preferentially utilized for energy while proteins are spared. For marine mammals, however, lipids are not only important energy stores, […]