SOCIETY FOR INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY 2021 VIRTUAL ANNUAL MEETING (VAM)January 3 – Febuary 28, 2021 Meeting Abstract MOORE-1 Tue Jan 5 12:30 – 13:30 Stereotype threat and identity threat: The science of a diverse community Steele, CM; Stanford University Drawing on stereotype threat and social identity threat research, this talk will address the why, what […]
sessions: Moore Lecture
Prehistoric Road Trip Crafting a Story 2 Billion Years in the Making
Meeting Abstract Moore-1 Tuesday, Jan. 7 15:45 – 16:45 Prehistoric Road Trip: Crafting a Story 2 Billion Years in the Making GRASLIE, EG; Field Museum, Chicago IL If you were to tell a story about your science, what narratives or examples would you highlight? Where would you start? Who would you include? Paleontology is a field […]
Into The Jungle Great Adventures in the Search for Evolution and What Students Can Learn From Them
Meeting Abstract MOORE.1 Tuesday, Jan. 6 Into The Jungle: Great Adventures in the Search for Evolution and What Students Can Learn From Them CARROLL, S.; Univ. Wisconsin-Madison TBA
Science education for all what scientists must do to fulfill John Moore’s legacy
Meeting Abstract MOORE.1 Wednesday, Jan. 6 Science education for all: what scientists must do to fulfill John Moore’s legacy ALBERTS, B.; University of California, San Francisco
Evidence-based Teaching in Introductory Biology
Meeting Abstract MOORE.1 Friday, Jan. 7 Evidence-based Teaching in Introductory Biology FREEMAN, Scott; University of Washington To further evidence-based teaching, it is critical to design courses in a hypothesis-testing framework. Over the past eight years, I have been testing the hypothesis that active-learning exercises can reduce failure rates in introductory biology courses. Most recently, colleagues and […]
Evolution Education and Creationism Through the Decades
Meeting Abstract MOORE.1 Saturday, Jan. 7 Evolution Education and Creationism Through the Decades ALTERS, Brian; Chapman University We will take an edutaining exploration of creationism from the roots of “scientific” creationism on this continent to current evolution issues in the Islamic world.
Moore Lecture Promising Practices in Undergraduate Science and Engineering Education Why Don’t We Implement Them
Meeting Abstract MOORE.1 Monday, Jan. 7 Moore Lecture: Promising Practices in Undergraduate Science and Engineering Education: Why Don’t We Implement Them? Singer, SR; Carleton College Improving undergraduate science and engineering education for all students is a national imperative, called out in many recent reports, including the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology’s (PCAST) Engage […]
John A Moore Lecture – The Contextual Nature of Evolutionary Reasoning Implications For Biology Teaching, Learning, and Assessment
Meeting Abstract MOORE.1 Tuesday, Jan. 7 16:00 John A. Moore Lecture – The Contextual Nature of Evolutionary Reasoning: Implications For Biology Teaching, Learning, and Assessment NEHM, R.H.; Stony Brook University, New York Recent studies of evolutionary reasoning across age groups (elementary, high school students), nations (China, Germany, Indonesia, and the USA), and expertise levels (undergraduates, practicing scientists) […]
Morphospaces, Adaptive and Epigenetic Landscapes, Phylogenetic Networks, and n-Dimensional Niches Re-Visioning Quantitative Biology Education
Meeting Abstract MOORE.1 Wednesday, Jan. 7 15:45 Morphospaces, Adaptive and Epigenetic Landscapes, Phylogenetic Networks, and n-Dimensional Niches: Re-Visioning Quantitative Biology Education JUNGCK, John R; Univ. of Delaware Morphospaces, Adaptive and Epigenetic Landscapes, Phylogenetic Networks, and n-Dimensional Niches are imaginary worlds constructed upon the basis of theoretical models or the mathematical analysis of multivariate data. Their […]
The Changing National STEM Education Landscape Connecting the Dots
Meeting Abstract MOORE-1 Thursday, Jan. 7 15:45 The Changing National STEM Education Landscape: Connecting the Dots Labov, JB; National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine The 2012 report, “Engage to Excel,” from the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) urges the STEM education community and funding agencies to “Advocate and provide support for replacing […]