Meeting Abstract LBS3.5 Friday, Jan. 4 Using rates of character evolution O’MEARA, B.C.; NESCent To understand phenotypic diversity, we must use rates of phenotypic evolution, just as to understand and compare species diversity, we must use diversification rates [or some correction for time]. New techniques for estimating and comparing rates of phenotypic evolution allow the examination […]
sessions: LBS3
The results of replicate radiation reconstructing parallel ecomorphological diversification in African and South American characiform fishes
Meeting Abstract LBS3.6 Friday, Jan. 4 The results of replicate radiation: reconstructing parallel ecomorphological diversification in African and South American characiform fishes SIDLAUSKAS, B. L.; National Evolutionary Synthesis Center Though rare in nature, replicated runs through the same evolutionary scenario can test the generality of resulting macroevolutionary patterns. Since the separation of South America and Africa, […]
Testing macroevolutionary hypotheses in fishes examples from the Acanthomorpha
Meeting Abstract LBS3.1 Friday, Jan. 4 Testing macroevolutionary hypotheses in fishes: examples from the Acanthomorpha ALFARO, ME*; BROCK, CDB; BANBURY, B; DORNBURG, A; SANTINI, F; Washington State University; Washington State University; Washington State University; Washington State University; University of Toronto Elucidating patterns of diversification of acanthomorph fishes, by far the most diverse clade of teleosts, ranks […]
Paleontological assessments of diversity dynamics
Meeting Abstract LBS3.7 Friday, Jan. 4 Paleontological assessments of diversity dynamics WAGNER, P.J.; Field Museum of Natural History Historically, paleontologists have relied on “synoptic” data sets (i.e., those giving the first and last appearances of fossil taxa) to assess standing richness as well as rates of origination and extinction. However, sampling from the fossil record is […]
Diversification at the PlantInsect Interface The Evolutionary Radiation of Beetles (Order Coleoptera)
Meeting Abstract LBS3.3 Friday, Jan. 4 Diversification at the Plant/Insect Interface: The Evolutionary Radiation of Beetles (Order Coleoptera) MCKENNA, Duane D.; Harvard University The extraordinary species diversity of modern beetles (order Coleoptera; ca. 350,000 described sp.) is usually attributed to evolutionary radiation coincident with the Cretaceous rise to dominance of flowering plants (angiosperms). However, the absence […]
Constraints and the scaling of evolutionary rates
Meeting Abstract LBS3.2 Friday, Jan. 4 Constraints and the scaling of evolutionary rates HARMON, LJ; Univ. of Idaho The evolutionary dynamics of phenotypic change provide key insights into macroevolutionary processes. Analyses ranging from experimental evolution to phenotypic change in the paleontological record show that net rates of evolutionary change are greatest over the shortest time scales. […]
Common biases in empirical tests of diversification using phylogenetic trees
Meeting Abstract LBS3.4 Friday, Jan. 4 Common biases in empirical tests of diversification using phylogenetic trees BROCK, Chad D*; ALFARO, Mike E; HARMON, Luke J; Washington State University, Pullman, WA; Washington State University, Pullman, WA; University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, The recent growth in both the number of dated molecular phylogenies and statistical methods for evaluating […]