Talking to fireflies Recruiting the next generation of firefly biologists

DOALL, M.; CARLSON, A.D.; State University of New York at Stony Brook; State University of New York at Stony Brook: Talking to fireflies: Recruiting the next generation of firefly biologists What is it about fireflies that make them beautiful and fascinating? It is their flashes, of course. Whereas butterflies have colorful patterns that lend themselves […]

Fireflies as a Catalyst for Science Education

FAUST, L.; Knoxville, TN: Fireflies as a Catalyst for Science Education Fireflies can be the focus of an effective program to teach the public about insect behavior and bioluminescence. Photinus carolinus, a synchronously flashing species of firefly, is found at high elevations in the southern Appalachian mountains. In Great Smoky Mountains National Park, they produce […]

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