Presentations from annual meetings containing slide sets and/or audio/video files.
- Plenary Lecture 2007, James P. Collins, “What is Integrative Biology at the Start of the 21st Century?” (presentation audio; slide set)
- Plenary Lecture 2012, Margaret McFall-Ngai, “Animals in a Bacterial World: A New imperative for the Life Sciences” (presentation video; slide set)
- George A. Bartholomew Award Lecture 2012, Emanuel Azizi, “From Sarcomeres to Organisms: The Role of Muscle-tendon Architecture in Determining Locomotor Performance” (presentation video; slide set)
- Plenary Address 2013, Richard Satterlie, SICB Past President, “Altering Rhythmicity: Slow Dance, Fast Dance, Hither and Yon” (presentation video; slide set)
- Howard A. Bern Lecture, Ellen D. Ketterson, “Synthesizing Research on the Adaptable Snowbird: Geographic Variation, Seasonality, and Evolutionary Endocrinology” (presentation video)
- Plenary Lecture 2017, Carl Zimmer, Science and Scandall: Reporting on Biology In An Age of Controversy (slide set)