Resolution on Evolution and Climate Change

Recognizing that science is under attack in the U.S. as evidenced by the wide-spread disregard for the scientific process and the suppression and distortion of scientific data across a broad spectrum of areas in which we, as biologists, have special expertise, be it resolved that the SICB take a public stand in support of scientific truth, especially:

  1. in support of the teaching of evolution as a scientific fact, and under the name of “evolution;”
  2. in support of efforts to publicize broadly the impacts of the suppression of scientific evidence on societal concerns such as global climate change, environmental conservation and stem-cell research; and
  3. to authorize the SICB Executive Committee to issue press releases and editorials, initiate and publish statements, and sign collective statements consistent with (1) and (2) above.

(Approved 5 Jan 2008)

the Society for
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