Nominating Committee

This committee meets at the Annual Meeting to evaluate potential candidates for Society-wide office on the basis of scientific achievement, ability to discharge official duties, and record of service to the Society. The committee submits to the Secretary of the Society, a list consisting of no fewer than two candidates for each Society-wide office in time for publication of the list of nominees and their biographical sketches in the spring SICB Newsletter. The committee must certify to the Secretary that each candidate has declared a willingness to run for office and to serve, if elected.

The committee consists of the Member-at-Large of the Executive Committee whose term will next expire, and three members of the Society who are not members of the Executive Committee, each appointed by the President. Each member shall be from a different Division of the Society and serve a term of one year.

-SICB Bylaws, Article XV, Section 4.

You can view the nominating committee manual here.

Click here to view committee members.

the Society for
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