Symposium S12

Manakin Genomics: Comparative Studies of Evolution And Behavior an a Unique Clade of Birds

Day: Thu Jan 7 – 10:15-19:00
Organizer(s): Ignacio Moore and Blake Jones

Symposium Author(s) Title

Moore, IT*; Jones, BC Manakin genomics: comparative studies of evolution and behavior in a unique clade of birds

Schlinger, BA*; Chiver, I Hormonal control of behavioral sex differences in a tropical bird

Fuxjager, MJ Physiological basis of display evolution in the golden-collared manakin

Jones, BC*; DuVal, EH Glucocorticoids correlate with and predict social status in the cooperatively breeding lance-tailed manakin (Chiroxiphia lanceolata)

Horton, BM*; Ryder, TB; Moore, IT; Balakrishnan, CN Gene expression in the social behavior network of the wire-tailed manakin (Pipra filicauda) brain

Fusani, L*; Janisch, J; Perinot, E; Quigley, C The making of an elaborate courtship display: acrobatics, choreographies, and the role of females

Day, LB*; Harvey, MC; Helmhout, W; Olsson, U; Pano, G; Hoeksema, JD; Lindsay, WR Sexual selection for acrobatic courtship complexity drives increases in cerebellum volume and body size

Shogren, EH*; Boyle, WA Dancing in the rain: environmental drivers of behavioral and social variability in White-ruffed Manakin courtship displays

Manica, LT*; Schaedler, LM; Ribeiro, PHL A manakin of many friends: unveiling the multi-male cooperative displays of the Swallow-tailed Manakin

Foster, MS Leks of Tyranneutes stolzmanni provide insights into male aggregation

Lim, HC*; Bennett, KFP; Justyn, NM; Kingston, SE; Long, KM; Powers, MJ; Brawn, JD; Hill, GE; Braun, MJ Genomics of sexually selected traits in an avian hybrid zone

Wirthlin, M Manakin neurogenomics reveal the mechanisms underlying the evolution of skilled motor behavior

Long, KM; Tobiansky, DJ*; Goller, F; Braun, MJ; Brawn, JD; Fuxjager, MJ Sexual selection on the behavioral, physiological, and genetic dynamics of an avian hybrid zone

Balakrishnan, CN*; Baldwin, MW; Wirthlin, M; Toda, Y; Manakin, RCN Sexual selection and its impacts on genome evolution: Insights from the Manakin Genomics Research Coordination Network


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