Symposium P16

P: Endocrinology 2

Day: Sat Jan 2
Organizer(s): Brian Walker

Session Author(s) Title

Cyrino, JC; Figueiredo, AC; Gomes, FR; Titon, SCM* Modulation of extra-pineal melatonin in response to an immune challenge with LPS in Rhinella icterica toads

Wooding, AP*; Kline, BC; Christensen, KR; Keeley, ER; Pradhan, DS Stress in a dynamic environment: How a cold water fish might cope with climate change

Young, GK*; Gesquiere, L; Alberts, SC rainfall and puberty status predict energy balance in Amboseli baboons

Cantelon, CL*; Kwun, C; Harmon, IP; McCabe, EA; Solomon-Lane, TK Stress axis correlates of juvenile social behavior and group structure in a highly social fish

Christensen, KR*; Wooding, AP; Whitworth, R; Rivas, MG; Pradhan, DS Stuck in a bucket: The effect of confinement stress on cortisol levels in brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis)

Gibson, EF*; Torres-Velarde, JM; Crocker, DE; Vazquez-Medina, JP Prolonged fasting increases DNA methylation in northern elephant seal pups

Figueiredo, AC*; Titon, SCM; Cyrino, JC; Nogueira, LAK; Gomes, FR Immune and hormonal regulation in the postprandial period of Bullfrogs (Lithobates catesbeianus )

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