Symposium 46

Environmental Effects on Physiology

Day: Sat Jan 2
Organizer(s): Nicholas Teets

Session Author(s) Title

Arango, BG*; Ensminger, DC; Harfush-Meléndez, M; López-Reyes, EM; Marmolejo-Valencia, JA; Merchant-Larios, H; Crocker, DE; Vázquez-Medina, JP Oxidative stress is a potential cost of synchronized nesting aggregations in olive ridley sea turtles

Birrell, JH*; Woods, HA Do aquatic insects exploit microclimates of temperature, oxygen, and flow to mitigate low-oxygen availability?

Teets, NM*; Spacht, DE; Potts, LJ; Gantz, JD; Lee, RE; Denlinger, DL Microhabitat diversity influences physiology and phenology in an Antarctic insect

King, EE*; Stillman, JH; Williams, CM Hot and short of breath: High temperature and hypoxia regulates performance and habitat range in an invasive snail

Murphy, TE*; Rees, BB The effect of short-term hypoxia on HIF mRNA levels in Fundulus grandis

Farhat, E*; Turenne, ED; Choi, K; Devereaux, MEM; Pamenter, ME; Weber, JM Champions of hypoxia tolerance adjust membrane cholesterol and downregulate metabolism to cope with chronically-low oxygen

Griffin, RA*; Boyd, A; Blewett, TA Feeling a little crabby from hunger: branchial amino acid uptake in arthropods

Tylan, C*; Langkilde, T Metabolic effects of consumption of and stings from fire ants, an invasive predator and prey of native lizards

Hou, Z*; Fuiman, LA Maternal diet affects utilization of endogenous lipids by red drum embryos and early larvae

Peralta Martinez, KY*; Trevelline, BK; Martinez-Mota, R; Dearing, MD; Derting, T; Pasch, B; Kohl, KD Understanding how fiber-induced increases in gut size help to maintain optimal digestion in rodents

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