Symposium 44

Endocrinology: Reproduction, Growth & Development

Day: Sat Jan 2
Organizer(s): Stephen Ferguson

Session Author(s) Title

Bottini, CLJ*; MacDougall-Shackleton, SA Can exposure to methylmercury affect songbirds’ seasonal response to spring photoperiod?

Lough-Stevens, M*; Ghione, C; Urness, M; Hobbs, A; Sweeney, C; Dean, MD Male-derived copulatory plugs enhance implantation success in Mus musculus

Greville, LJ*; Bueno, LM; Pollock, T; Faure, PA Quantification of urinary sex steroids in the big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus)

Bersin, TB*; Cordova, KL; Journey, ML; Beckman, BR; Lema, SC Fasting inhibits GH stimulation of IGF-1 synthesis pathways in the liver of gopher rockfish (Sebastes carnatus)

Marroquin-Flores, RA*; Paitz, RT; Bowden, RM Decoupling the effects of thermal and hormonal stimuli on intron retention in a species with temperature-dependent sex determination

Heppner, JJ*; Ouyang, JQ Incubation behavior differences in urban and rural house wrens, Troglodytes aedon

Campbell, M*; Alderman, S; Van Der Kraak, G The effects of ethinylestradiol on estrogen-regulated neurogenic pathway in adult zebrafish (Danio rerio)

Bukovich, IMG*; Friesen, CR; Parker, MR Influence of testosterone on pre- and post-copulatory dimensions of male-male competition in the red-sided garter snake, Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis

Tao, CY*; Cohen, RE A breeding-like transition occurs prior to changes in environmental conditions in a lizard species

He, LL*; Shin, SH; Wang, Z; Yuan, I; Weschler, R; Chiou, A; Koyama, T; Nijhout, HF; Suzuki, Y How caterpillars assess size: The role of the TGF-beta/Activin ligand Myoglianin in triggering metamorphosis

Farrar, VS*; Flores, L; Ornelas Pereira, L; Mushtari, S; Viernes, RC; Calisi , RM Can mating behaviors be maintained in the face of elevated prolactin levels driving parental care? Revisiting the anti-gonadal effect

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