Symposium 28

Community Ecology and Biodiversity

Day: Sat Jan 2
Organizer(s): Douglas Fudge

Session Author(s) Title

Mroue-Ruiz, FH*; Schramm-Urrutia, Y; Pacheco-Sandoval, A; Giffard-Mena, I; Abadía-Cardoso, A; Chong-Robles, J; Lago-Lestón, A Metabarcoding analysis of stomach contents in Totoaba macdonaldi

Calhoon, JA*; Dobkowski, K Feeding preferences of red sea urchins (Mesocentrotus franciscanus) in the Salish Sea

Villegas, M*; Hobson , KA; Soos, C; Jiménez-Uzcátegui, G Interspecific isotopic niche differentiation among Darwin’s finches in Santa Cruz Island, Galápagos

Middlebrooks, ML*; Nockengost, A; Ambrosio, LJ Kleptoplastic sea slug Elysia papillosa prefers algae that provides inferior growth and photosynthesis

Dittrich , MC*; Dobkowski, KA Feeding preferences of Pugettia producta on macroalgae species along the coast of San Juan Island, Washington

Kahn, AS*; Daniels, J; Lord, JP; Katija, K; Barry, JP Factors affecting respiration and water processing by deep-sea sponges

Pomponi, SA*; Hanisak, MD; Reed, JK; Wright, AE The HBOI-FAU marine biotechnology reference collection: a new web-based resource for research

Gusmão, LC*; Rodríguez, E Evidence of a deep-sea, Antarctic lineage of burrowing sea anemones (Cnidaria: Actiniaria): an evaluation using mitogenomics

Fudge, DS*; Plachetzki, DC; McCord, CL; Winegard, TM; Fernholm, B; Gonzalez, CJ; Mincarone, MM Description of four new species of hagfishes from the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

Rivera, JA*; Fuentes-G., JA; Martins, EP Head shape is constrained by body size and sexually selected traits in Sceloporus lizards

Cahill, AE*; Rollinson, EJ; Corona-Avila, I; Ferrero, K; Holmer, K; Mayo, P; Deecher, E; Billman, B; Siryani, N Abundance and genetic variation in populations of the introduced milkweed aphid in eastern North America

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