Session 38

Evolutionary Morphology

Day: Saturday, Jan. 5, 08:00-09:45
Room: 3 & 4

Organizer(s): Andrew Conith, Anthony Herrel

Session Author(s) Title

HALL, KC*; HUNDT, PJ; SWENSON, JD; SUMMERS, AP; CROW, KD The Evolution of Underwater Flight in Manta Rays and Their Relatives (Myliobatidae)

TAVERNE, M*; FABRE, AC; DUTEL, H; TADIC, Z; FAGAN, M; HERREL, A Phenotypic diversification in insular populations of Podarcis lizards: how do diet and bite force drive variation in skull morphology?

GUSMãO, LC*; GRAJALES, A; RODRíGUEZ, E Sea Anemones Through X-rays: Utility Of Micro-computed Tomography (Micro-CT) for the taxonomy and systematics of the group

HERREL, A*; ORPEL, J; PADILLA, P; COURANT, J; REBELO, R Do invasive populations of Xenopus laevis living in different environments differ in morphology?

PEREZ-GUERRA, D*; GARDUÑO-PAZ, MV; MENDEZ-SANCHEZ, JF; ADAMS, CE Morphological plasticity in Girardinichthys multiradiatus: a high-altitude fish endemic to Upper Lerma, Mexico

CONITH, AJ*; LAM, DT; ALBERTSON, RC Muscle-Induced Loading as a Major Source of Variation in Craniofacial Skeletal Shape

ZELDITCH, ML*; LI, J; SWIDERSKI, DL Stasis of Functionally Versatile Specialists
the Society for
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