Session 93

Migration and Navigation

Day: Monday, Jan. 6, 10:30-12:00
Room: Rooms 203-204

Organizer(s): Jessica Malisch

Session Author(s) Title

TAYLOR, LD*; FINNEGAN, S; O’DEA, A; BRALOWER, TJ Isotopic Analysis of Fossil Coronulid Barnacles as a Means of Understanding Prehistoric Whale Migration

MALISCH, J/L*; HAHN, T/P; BREUNER, C/W; MALISCH, Jes Should I Stay Or Should I Go Now? Predictors of Facultative Altitudinal Migration in Mountain White-crowned Sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys oriantha)

RAMENOFSKY*, M**; PRADHAN, D; AUSTIN, SH; SOMA, K; SCHLINGER, B Phenotypic Flexibility of Glucocorticoid Signaling in Skeletal Muscles of White-crowned Sparrows Preparing to Migrate

DESIMONE, JG*; TOBALSKE, BW; BREUNER, CW Prepare or Escape?: The Behavioral, Physiological, and Hormonal Responses of a Facultative Migrant to Declining Food Availability

BUO, C*; TAYLOR, E; BARTLES, J; CHRISTMAN, K; DAYAL, P; LONDRAVILLE, RL Spatial mapping and visual cues influence navigation in Entomacrodus striatus
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