Session 59

Complementary to S1: New Frontiers in Antarctic Marine Biology

Day: Sunday, Jan. 5, 13:30-15:00
Room: Lone Star A

Organizer(s): Brad Seibel, Prashant P. Sharma

Session Author(s) Title

TOH, MWA*; LOBERT, GT; MORAN, AL Thermal Sensitivity of Early Life History Stages of Antarctic Invertebrates

BIERLICH, KC*; DALE, JD; FRIEDLAENDER, AS; GOLDBOGEN, JA; JOHNSTON, DJ Dwarf minke whales along the Antarctic Peninsula: Evidence of climate migration or historic misidentification?

TARRANT, AM*; BERGER, C; STEINBERG, DK Feast and Famine: Copepod metabolic condition during summer along the West Antarctic Peninsula

COSTA, D.P*; KIENLE, S.S; TRUMBLE, S.S; KANATOUS, S.; GOEBEL, M.E; BORRAS, R; CROCKER, D.E Foraging Behavior and Movement Patterns of the Leopard Seal in the Antarctic Peninsula

RIX, AS*; O’BRIEN, KM Characterizing the Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1 Pathway in Response to Acute Thermal Stress and Hypoxia in Antarctic Notothenioid Fishes

SHARMA, PP*; ARANGO, CP; BALLESTEROS, JA; BRENNEIS, G; DILLY, GF; SETTON, EVW; WHEELER, WC Phylogenomic resolution of sea spider relationships via integration of phylogenetic data classes
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