Session 55

Growth Factors & Neuropeptides

Day: Sunday, Jan. 5, 10:30-12:00
Room: Rooms 201-202

Organizer(s): Kendra Sewall, Elizabeth Addis

Session Author(s) Title

SEWALL, KB*; DAVIES, S; BECK, ML Relationships Among Neuropeptides, Territorial Aggression, and Urbanization in Male Song Sparrows

BEATTY, AE*; SCHWARTZ, TS We need to talk…about IGF2: A cross-species comparison of IGF1 and IGF2 expression in amniotes.

ADDIS, AE*; JANZEN, FJ; BRONIKOWSKI, AM A Role of Insulin-Like Growth Factors in Mediating Trade-Offs Between Growth and Reproduction in Painted Turtles

HE, L; SHIN, SHJ; WANG, Z; YUAN, I; WESCHLER, R; KOYAMA, T; NIJHOUT, HF; SUZUKI, Y* Body size sensing in the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta: the role of TGF-beta/Activin signaling in metamorphic timing

CORDOVA, KL*; BERSIN, TV; SAENGER, EK; JOURNEY, ML; BECKMAN, BR; LEMA, SC Opposing influences of fasting stress and Igf1 on skeletal muscle gene pathways for Igf-signaling and myofibrillar protein degradation in gopher rockfish

MARKS, JR*; SORLIN, MV; LAILVAUX, SP; SCHWARTZ, TS; BEATTY, AE Effect of Diet Restriction on Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 and 2 Expression in Female Green Anoles (Anolis carolinensis)
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