Session 31

Connubiality, Conjugality, or Civil Union? Symbiotic Relationships in Corals

Day: Saturday, Jan. 4, 13:30-15:00
Room: Rooms 303-304

Organizer(s): Hanny Rivera

Session Author(s) Title

FIFER, JE*; BUI, V; BERG, J; GABRIEL, M; BENTLAGE, B; DAVIES, S Coral Microbial Community Shifts Along a Steep Environmental Gradient

RIVERA, HE*; DAVIES, SW What does it take to stay together? Uncovering symbiosis gene networks in a facultatively symbiotic coral

HOWE-KERR, LI*; BACHELOT, B; WRIGHT, RM; KENKEL, CD; BAY, LK; CORREA, AMS Symbiont diversity correlates with variability in holobiont stress tolerance

BEDWELL, H*; BAY, L; FULLER, Z; PRZEWORSKI, M; MATZ, M Mitochondrial introgression and its role in coral thermal tolerance

BARFIELD, SJ*; DAVIES, SW; MATZ, MV Co-recruitment of Relatives Leads to Emergence of Inbred Genetically Isolated Group within a Panmictic Population of a Broadcast-spawning Reef-Building Coral
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