Symposium S2

The Scale of Sickness: How Immune Variation across Space and Species Affects Infectious Disease Dynamics

Day: Friday, Jan. 4, 07:45-16:00
Room: 19

Organizer(s): Daniel Becker, Cynthia Downs, Lynn Martin

Symposium Author(s) Title

BECKER, DJ*; SCHOENLE, LA; DOWNS, CJ; MARTIN, LB The scale of sickness: how immune variation across space and species affects infectious disease dynamics

FIELD, KA*; LILLEY, TM; OGATA, G; ROGERS, EJ; PROKKOLA, JM; MOORE, MS; REEDER, DM The Challenges of Transcriptome-wide Comparisons Across Species and Genera

EZENWA, Vanessa O*; CYR, Jennifer L; GAWRILUK, Tom R; KIMANI, John M; KIAMA, Stephen G; SEIFERT, Ashley W Trade-offs between immunity and life-history shape cryptic immunological variation in regeneration-competent rodents

MERRILL, L*; BARGER, AM; BENSON, TJ Landscape dynamics and immune function across a community of shrubland birds

BECKER, DJ*; ARGIBAY, HG; BOTTO, G; ESCALERA-ZAMUDIO, M; GREENWOOD, AD; ROJAS-ANAYA, E; LAVERGNE, A; DE THOISY, B; CZIRJáK, GÁ; PLOWRIGHT, RK; ALTIZER, S; STREICKER, DG Quantifying and interpreting spatial autocorrelation in leukocyte profiles in a widespread Neotropical bat species

RYNKIEWICZ, EC*; CLERC, M; BABAYAN, S; PEDERSEN, AB Variation in Pro-Inflammatory Immune Responses Among- and Within-Individual Wild Wood Mice Impacts Parasite Infection Dynamics

BUDISCHAK, Sarah A.*; GRAHAM, Andrea L. ; CRESSLER, Clayton E. Fueling Defense; Effects of Resources on the Evolution of Tolerance to Macroparasite Infection

HALL, RJ Modeling the Effects of Anthropogenic Stressors on Immune Defense and Infection Dynamics in Heterogeneous Host Populations

CIVITELLO, DJ*; MALISHEV, M Scaling bioenergetic theory to predict the population dynamics of human schistosomes and intermediate snail hosts

ADELMAN, JS Linking immunological mechanisms and transmission consequences of tolerance in a songbird host

PEPIN, Kim, M.*; WEBB, Colleen, T.; WILBER, Mark, Q. Scaling individual-level immunology to the population level provides risk assessment from convenience samples

STEWART MERRILL, TE*; HALL, SR; RAPTI, Z; CáCERES, CE Variable Immunity and its Consequences for Disease

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