Session 133

Immune Trade-Offs

Day: Monday, Jan. 7, 08:00-10:00
Room: 25

Organizer(s): Michael Butler, Franziska Sandmeier

Session Author(s) Title

WILCOXEN, TE*; WEBER, R; ZIMMERMAN, LM Effects of Elevated Corticosterone on Immune Response to Aeromonas hydrophila in Northern Leopard Frog Tadpoles

BUTLER, MW*; STIERHOFF, EN; CARPENETTI, JM; ADDESSO, AM; KNUTIE, SA Oxidative damage increases with degree of simulated bacterial infection in tree swallow nestlings

SANDMEIER, FC*; LEONARD, KL; TRACY, CR; DRAKE, KK; ESQUE, T; NUSSEAR, K; GERMANO , J Tools to understand seasonality in health: quantification of microbe loads and analyses of compositional ecoimmunological data reveal complex patterns in tortoise populations

GARDNER, S*; ASSIS, VR; APPEL, A; MENDONÇA, MT Immunity vs dispersal of Florida cane toads: physiological responses to LPS

HAWKINS, TM*; MARSHALL, AS; SHORT, RA; WOLFORD, AM; DAVIS, JE Effects of Royal Jelly and Juvenile Hormone on Growth and Immunity in Gromphadorhina portentosa and Drosophila melanogaster

RICCI, C/A*; FUESS, L/E; MANN, W/T; CHAKRABARTY, J; JINKS, L/R; MYDLARZ, L/D Proteomic Characterization of Immune Responses and Post-infection Dynamics of Eunicea calyculata to late stage Eunicea Black Disease

TAPPER, SJ*; NOCERA, J; TATTERSALL, G; BURNESS, G Body temperature regulation during the acute phase response in zebra finches

SIMPSON, JS*; LENKER, KL; WILSON, CA; EJOTRE, I; KURPIERS, L; REEDER, D; FIELD, KA Using transcriptomics to identify patterns of gene expression associated with disease transmission in African fruit bats (Epomophorus labiatus)
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