Session 122

Evolution and Coloration

Day: Monday, Jan. 7, 10:30-11:45
Room: 13

Organizer(s): Charles Watson, Amanda Hund

Session Author(s) Title

HODGE, JR*; SANTINI, F; WAINWRIGHT, PC One Fish, Two Fish, Reef Fish, Blue Fish: Dichromatism in Fishes as an Adaptation to Life on Coral Reefs

WATSON, CM*; DEGON, Z; KROGMAN, W; COX, CL The adaptive significance of an ontogenetic shift in coloration among skinks.

KARAN, EA*; ALFARO, ME Evolution of False Eyespots in Butterflyfishes: Testing Eye Camouflage and Mimicry as Anti-predator Adaptations

HUND, AK*; TURBEK, SP; PAULI, CS; SAFRAN, RJ; TAYLOR, SA Early Environment and Condition Dependence in a Lifelong Sexual Signal: Gene Expression and Melanin Color in Barn Swallows.

JUDSON, JM*; HOEKSTRA, L; HOLDEN, K; POLICH, R; ADAMS, C; BRONIKOWSKI, A; JANZEN, F The role of color, immunity, and sexually dimorphic traits in female mate choice
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