S1 Integrative Plant Biology

SICB Annual Meeting 2019
January 3-7, 2019
Tampa, FL

January 4 – Symposium S1: Integrative Plant Biology (SICB Wide)

This symposium is part of an effort to bring greater participation of plant biologists to SICB, and is part of the Special Focus Meeting on Organismal Botany within the Tampa SICB meeting. SICB began in 1902 as the American Society of Zoologists, and has always had a strong taxonomic bias toward animals, despite the name change to the taxonomically inclusive Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology in 1996. This symposium and new division will bring a range of outstanding integrative plant biologists to the annual SICB conference and into membership in the society, resulting in greater cross-pollination of concepts and approaches among integrative biologists regardless of taxonomic focus.

The research highlighted in the symposium will demonstrate the diversity of research representing integrative plant biology. The talks will cover topics ranging from scaling and developmental integration to ecological adaptation to evolutionary innovation, and encompass plant taxonomic diversity from seed plants to green algae. This symposium will hopefully lead to increased membership in SICB among plant biologists in general and strengthen SICB’s mission to be an organization for all integrative biologists, as well as to put SICB on the map as a natural home for the next generation of emerging leaders in plant organismal and evolutionary biology.

Speaker list:



  • Matt Ogburn
  • Erika Edwards


S1-1 Friday, Jan. 4, 07:45 EDWARDS, Erika J*; OGBURN, Mathew R:

A Green Wave comes to SICB: two days of plant integrative and comparative biology

S1-2 Friday, Jan. 4, 08:00 OGBURN, R.M.*; EDWARDS, E.J.; DONOGHUE, M.J.:

Linking Plant Scaling Relationships and Ecology

S1-3 Friday, Jan. 4, 08:30 LESLIE, Andrew B.*; LOSADA, Juan M.:

Functional Ontogeny and Morphological Evolution in Plant Reproductive Structures

S1-4 Friday, Jan. 4, 09:00 ROSELL, JA:

Understanding the Causes of Diversity of a Multifunctional Structure: the Case of Bark in Woody Plants

S1-5 Friday, Jan. 4, 09:30 OLSON, Mark E. :

Plant Evolutionary Ecology In The Age Of The Extended Evolutionary Synthesis

S1-6 Friday, Jan. 4, 10:30 LI, Fay-Wei:

Diversity and genetics of plant-cyanobacteria symbioses

S1-7 Friday, Jan. 4, 11:00 MUIR, Christopher D:

Synthesizing evolution and physiology using leaves, trees, and math

S1-8 Friday, Jan. 4, 11:30 PEREDO, EL*; CARDON, ZG:

Calm vs. panicked: contrasting responses of desert-derived and aquatic green microalgae during desiccation and rehydration

S1-9 Friday, Jan. 4, 13:30 DIGGLE, Pamela*; MULDER, Christa:

Does Variation in Flower Development Explain Anomalous Phenological Responses to Temperature?

S1-10 Friday, Jan. 4, 14:00 SMITH, Stacey D.:

Evolutionary trajectories through color space: Hitting the hotspots and minding the gaps

S1-11 Friday, Jan. 4, 14:30 EMERY, NC*; LA ROSA, RJ:

Temporal Variation as a Driver of Species’ Distribution Patterns

S1-12 Friday, Jan. 4, 15:00 EDWARDS, Erika J:

The distinct evolutionary trajectories of C4 and CAM photosynthesis

the Society for
Integrative &