Science Through Story Strategies for science communication inspired by Pixar’s creative process

SICB Annual Meeting 2018
January 3-7, 2018
San Francisco, CA

Public Affairs Committee / Science as Narrative Symposium Workshop: Science Through Story: Strategies for science communication inspired by Pixar’s creative process

Thursday January 4, 12 noon-1:30pm, (Salons 3-4)

This workshop adapts story development techniques from filmmaking to help scientists engage broad audiences. We use examples from films to illustrate essential principles of storytelling, such as character development, narrative structure, and emergent themes. We connect these with examples from scientific research to demonstrate how storytelling principles can be used to communicate science effectively. In this interactive workshop, you will gain tools that you can use to develop a science story for any audience based on your own work or topic of interest.

The workshop was developed in collaboration with artists at Pixar Animation Studios and educators at the UC Museum of Paleontology.

Organizer: Sara ElShafie

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