Symposium Schedule

SICB Annual Meeting 2018
January 3-7, 2018
San Francisco, CA

Symposium Schedule


January 4

  1. From Small and Squishy to Big and Armored: Genomic, Ecological and Paleontological Insights into the Early Evolution of Animals (SICB wide)
    Organizers: Erik Sperling & Kevin Kocot; Sponsors: DEDB, DEE, DIZ, DPCB, & AMS

  2. Spatial Scale and Structural Heterogeneity in Skeletal Muscle Performance
    Organizers: David Williams & Natalie Holt; Sponsors: DCB & DVM

  3. Evolution in the Dark: Unifying Understanding of Eye Loss
    Organizers: Megan Porter & Lauren Sumner-Rooney; Sponsors: DEDB, DEE, DIZ, DNNSB, DPCB, AMS, & TCS


January 5

  1. Science Through Narrative: Engaging Broad Audiences (SICB wide)
    Organizers: Sara Elshafie, Stuart Sumida, & Bram Lutton; Sponsors: DAB, DCB, DCE, DEDB, DEDE, DEE, DIZ, DNNSB, DVM & AMS

  2. Sensory Feedback and Animal Locomotion: Perspectives from Biology and Biorobotics
    Organizers: Brett Aiello, Jessica Fox, & Gary Gillis; Sponsors: DAB, DCB, DNNSB & DVM

  3. Understanding the Evolution of Endocrine System Variation through Large-scale Comparative Analyses
    Organizers: Maren Vitousek, and Michele Johnson; Sponsors: DAB, DCE, DCPB & DEE


January 6

  1. Science in the Public Eye: Leveraging Partnerships
    Organizers: Martha Merson, Nick Hristov, & Louise Allen; Sponsors: DAB, DCB, DCE, DEDE, DNNSB & DVM

  2. Integrative Biology of Sensory Hair Cells
    Organizers: Duane McPherson & Billie Swalla; Sponsors: DEDB, DNNSB & AMS

  3. Inside the Black Box: The Mitochondrial Basis of Life-history Variation and Animal Performance
    Organizers: Karine Salin & Wendy Hood; Sponsors: DCE & DCPB


January 7

  1. Behavioral and Physiological Adaptation to Urban Environments (SICB wide)
    Organizers: Jenny Ouyang & Davide Dominoni; Sponsors: DAB, DCE, DCPB, DEDE & DEE

  2. Measuring Biodiversity and Extinction: Present and Past
    Organizer: Julia Sigwart; Sponsors: DEDE, DIZ & DPCB


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Integrative &