Session 128

Complementary to Symposium S9: Inside the Black Box: The Mitochondrial Basis of Life-History Variation and Animal Performance

Day: Sunday, Jan. 7, 10:30-12:15
Room: Foothill E

Organizer(s): Antonine Stier, Yufeng Zhang

Session Author(s) Title

GE, Z*; TOOMEY, M; HILL, GE Red ketocarotenoids found inside mitochondria in Haemorhous mexicanus

STIER, A*; TSCHIRREN, B; METCALFE, N; MONAGHAN, P Prenatal environment as a modulator of mitochondrial function: new insights from an avian model

TREIDEL, LA*; CHUNG, DJ; WILLIAMS, CM Mitochondrial performance differs in concordance with life history strategies and energetic demands in the wing-polymorphic cricket, Gryllus firmus

RODRIGUEZ, J; VELAZCO, L; HADDAD, R; MONTGOMERY, J; LAURI, M; MONTELONGO, M; ROSS, J* Mitochondrial dysfunction influences development and nuclear allele segregation in intra-species hybrids

ZHANG, Y*; TAYLOR, H; KASH, M; KAVAZIS, AN; ROBERTS, MD; HOOD, WR Induced ROS exposure improves mitochondrial performance in hepatocytes

PARK, NP*; ZHANG, Y; HOOD, WR; KAVAZIS, AN Oxidative DNA Damage and Repair in response to induced ROS exposure in Mice

YAP, KN*; POWERS, DR; TSAI, OH; WILLIAMS, TD Do physiological adjustments to high foraging effort affect reproduction?
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