Using Partnership for Undergraduate Life Sciences Education (PULSE) resources to stimulate transforming STEM education at the department level

SICB Annual Meeting 2017
January 4-8, 2017
New Orleans, LA

TAL-PULSE Workshop: “Using Partnership for Undergraduate Life Sciences Education (PULSE) resources to stimulate transforming STEM education at the department level”

Saturday January 7 at 7:30-9 pm, Room 224, Convention Center

In 2013, the SICB Educational Council hosted its first Teaching and Learning workshop and focused on Vision & Change in Introductory Biology. Since then, departments nationwide have begun working to align their teaching and practices with the AAAS Vision & Change recommendations. The Partnership for Undergraduate Life Sciences Education (PULSE), a network of more than 50 faculty leaders from varied institutions across the country, has been working to catalyze implementation of Vision & Change recommendations and transform STEM education. PULSE activities focus on departments, and this workshop will introduce participants to the PULSE Vision & Change Rubric, the PULSE Vision & Change Recognition Program, and the PULSE Ambassadors Program as mechanisms to stimulate STEM education transformation. Facilitators will share findings from pilots of both the Recognition and Ambassadors programs. Workshop participants will use portions of the PULSE Snapshot Rubric, an abbreviated form of the PULSE Vision & Change Rubrics, to assess areas where their departments/institutions are making progress, and where additional attention is required. The session will include time for participants to discuss major barriers to change that are revealed by the rubrics. Participants will gain an understanding of how the PULSE Vision & Change Rubrics can be used to assess the current state of their STEM department’s alignment with current best practices and learn how both the PULSE Vision & Change Recognition Program and the PULSE Ambassadors Program can serve to transform institutional cultures to stimulate undergraduate STEM education reform.

Workshop Presenters:
Dr. Sara Lindsay, University of Maine
Dr. Judy Awong-Taylor, Georgia Gwinnett College

For more information about PULSE:

the Society for
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