SICB Annual Meeting 2017
January 4-8, 2017
New Orleans, LA
Broadening Participation Committee Workshop: Microaggressions: The big impact of little things
January 7, 2017, 12:00-1:30pm (brownbag), Room 214
Why do you sound so white?
You’re the best woman I’ve ever had in this class.
No, where are you really from?
So which bathroom do you use?
These experiences of subtle, indirect, and sometimes unintentional discrimination can add up over time to marginalize students and scientists who are underrepresented in their institution, geographical area, or field of research. This contributes to the steady loss of scientists with diverse backgrounds and viewpoints from the academic pipeline. This workshop will allow participants to share their experiences and brainstorm about when and how to respond to microaggressions. The workshop will include a Q&A session with a panel of diverse scientists and small-group discussions.