A Primer on Incorporating the Microbiome into Integrative and Comparative Biology

SICB Annual Meeting 2017
January 4-8, 2017
New Orleans, LA

Workshop: A Primer on Incorporating the Microbiome into Integrative and Comparative Biology

(Accompanies Symposium S5 – With a Little Help from my Friends: Microbial Partners in Integrative and Comparative Biology)

January 6, 2017, 12:00-1:30pm (brownbag), Room 208/209

This workshop will expose attendees to the basic tools and techniques of microbiome research, especially in regards to how microbiome research can be combined within existing integrative biology research projects. Specifically, we will cover the factors that should be considered before embarking on microbiome projects, what types of control samples are required, and what types of additional data should be collected. Also, we will give a brief overview of available data analysis pipelines and ideas for how integrative biologists can push the boundaries of microbiome research.

the Society for
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