Workshops and Programs

SICB Annual Meeting 2017
January 4-8, 2017
New Orleans, LA

Workshops & Programs

  • Student First Timer/Student Worker Orientation “How to Get the Most Out of Your SICB Meeting“, Wednesday, Jan. 4, 5:30-6:30 PM, Grand Ballroom A/B, Hilton Hotel. *Required for students with Charlotte Mangum support
  • Workshops

    Workshop: “X-ray Computed Tomography: It’s Not Just For Bone!” (January 4, 3:00pm)
    Information & Application

    Sketch Your Conference Notes! A Hands-on Visual Note-taking Workshop (Jan. 5, 12 noon)

    Student and Postdoctoral Affairs Committee Workshop: Low on the Totem Pole – Power Structures and Power Struggles in Scientific Careers (Jan. 5, 12 noon)

    Workshop: NSF Update – IOS Core Programs Solicitation, Supplement and Meeting Requests, and More (Jan 5, 2017, 12:00-1:30pm (brownbag), Room 215/216)
    NSF Program Officers from the Division of Integrative Organismal Systems (IOS) will give an update on changes to the NSF Core Programs as well as requests for supplements and meeting support. Come meet your program officers, ask questions, and learn more about the National Science Foundation.

    Workshop: RNA Seq Resources and Training (Jan. 5, 12 noon)

    Public Affairs Committee Workshop: DIY Videography Making Your Research Broadly Accessible (Jan. 6, 12 noon)

    Journal of Experimental Zoology Workshop: “Publishing Pointers for Students and Postdocs” (Jan. 6, 12 noon)
    Information & Application

    Workshop: A Primer on Incorporating the Microbiome into Integrative and Comparative Biology
    (Accompanies Symposium S5 – With a Little Help from my Friends: Microbial Partners in Integrative and Comparative Biology. Jan. 6, 12 noon)

    Broadening Participation Committee Workshop: Microaggressions: The big impact of little things (Jan. 7, 12 noon)

    Workshop: Evolutionary Impacts of Seasonality (Accompanies Symposium S4 – Evolutionary Impacts of Seasonality. Jan. 7, 12 noon)

    TAL-PULSE Workshop: “Using Partnership for Undergraduate Life Sciences Education (PULSE) resources to stimulate transforming STEM education at the department level” (Jan. 7, 7:30-9 pm)
    Information & Application

    Workshop: Establishing Standards for Video Data Management (Jan. 8, 12 noon)


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