Session 72

Stress I

Day: Saturday, Jan. 7, 08:00-09:45
Room: 211-213

Organizer(s): Roberrt de Bruijn, Haruka Wada

Session Author(s) Title

DE BRUIJN, R*; PEIMAN, KS; PRYSTAY, TS; PHILIPP, MA; GILMOUR, KM; HINCH, SG; PATTERSON, DA; COOKE, SJ The stress of salmon migration: spawn or die trying.

GRACE, J. K.*; PARENTEAU, C.; MEILLERE, A.; FROUD, L.; ANGELIER, F. Stress, Death and the “Silver Spoon”: Effects of Early-Life Stress on Growth and Immunity across Life Stages in a Wild Bird

TAFF, CC*; VITOUSEK, MN Individual variation in behavior, physiology, and fitness in response to experimentally induced acute stress in wild tree swallows.

OWEN, DAS*; SHERIFF, MJ; HEPPNER, J; GERKE, H; ENSMINGER, DC; MACLEOD, KJ; LANGKILDE, T Hot and Bothered: Maternal Stress Alters Thermal Sensitivity of Metabolic Rate in Lizard Embryos

KRAUSE, J.S.*; PEREZ, J.H.; MEDDLE, S.L.; WINGFIELD , J.C. The effects of 1, 2, 6 and 24 hours of fasting on hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function, body condition, and activity of wintering male white-crowned sparrows

SPAAN, JM*; PITTS, N; EZENWA, VO; JOLLES, AE Acute infectious diseases drive stress in a wild mammalian population

WADA, H.*; FINGER JR., J.W. A potential link between organismal adrenocortical responses and cellular heat shock responses
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