Session 62

Complementary to S1- Indirect Effects of Global Change: from Physiological and Behavioral Mechanisms to Ecological Consequences III

Day: Friday, Jan. 6, 13:30-15:15
Room: 215-216

Organizer(s): Sarah Humfeld, Ofir Levy

Session Author(s) Title

HUMFELD, SC*; GRUNERT, B Climate Change Unlikely to Impact Sexual Communication in a Widely-Distributed Treefrog.

DANNER, RM; COOMES, CM; DERRYBERRY, EP* High Ambient Temperatures Reduce Cognitive and Motor Performance of an Endotherm

LEVY, O*; DAYAN, T; PORTER, WP; KRONFELD-SCHOR, N Time as an ecological resource: can diurnal animals compensate for climate change by nocturnal activity?

POWERS, DR*; LANGLAND, KM; WETHINGTON, SM; TOBALSKE, BM; POWERS, SD; GRAHAM, CH Impact of Climate Change on Thermoregulation during Hovering in Hummingbirds

MERRILL, L*; CHIAVACCI, S; SANTYMIRE, R; HAUSSMANN, M; PAITZ, R; BARGER, A; BENSON, TJ Parental investment, phenotypic correlations, and landscape: understanding the role of habitat in shaping wild bird phenotypes

OUYANG, JQ *; DE JONG, M; MATSON, KD; HAUSSMANN, MF; MEERLO, P; VISSER, ME; SPOELSTRA, K Restless roosts: light pollution affects physiology and behavior in a free-living bird

ZOLLINGER, S*; DORADO CORREA, A; HEIDINGER, BJ; BRUMM, H The effect of traffic noise exposure on telomeres varies with developmental stage
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