Session 50

Complementary to S2 – The Ecology of Exercise: Mechanisms Underlying Individual Variation in Movement Behavior, Activity, or Performance

Day: Friday, Jan. 6, 10:00-12:00
Room: 214

Organizer(s): Jeff Yap, Mitchell Serota

Session Author(s) Title

JAROMIN, E*; SADOWSKA, ET; KOTEJA, P Monoamine reuptake inhibitors alter exercise performance in bank voles selected for high swimming-induced aerobic metabolism

SEROTA, MW*; WILLIAMS, TD Individual Variation in Activity Patterns of Chick-Rearing Birds Using an Automated Radio Telemetry System

GROOM, DJE; TOLEDO, MCB; POWERS, DR; TOBALSKE, BW; WELCH, KC*; WELCH, Kennet The scaling of mechanochemical efficiency of hovering hummingbirds

BAGHERI, H*; VAJRALA, S; TADURU, V; WHITE, SX; LEE, D; PAZOUKI, A; EMADY, HN; MARVI, H Locomotion on Wet Granular Media

YAP, KN*; DICK, M.F.; GUGLIELMO, C.G.; WILLIAMS, T.D. Effects of experimental manipulation of hematocrit on flight performance

GOLDSTEIN, JG*; CARLONI, J; KIBLER, RD A Fishery in Flux: Claw Removal and its Impacts on Survivorship, Behavior, and Physiological Stress in Jonah Crab Cancer borealis

CESPEDES, AM*; LAILVAUX, SP Long legs, big heads: Sex-specific multivariate morphology-> performance relationships in Anolis carolinensis
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