Session 40

Complementary to S1 – Indirect Effects of Global Change: from Physiological and Behavioral Mechanisms to Ecological Consequences I

Day: Friday, Jan. 6, 08:00-09:45
Room: 215-216

Organizer(s): Ashlee Rowe

Session Author(s) Title

HUDSON, DM*; CARDONA, LF; CORTES MUNAR, JS; PHILLIPS, G; SMITH, Q; ROCHA, MH Spatial Competition Between the Native Colombian Freshwater Crab, Neostrengeria macropa, and the Invasive Red-Clawed Crayfish, Procambarus clarkii.

ANDERSON, KM*; HELDT, KA; MUNGIA, P; RUSSELL, B; HARLEY, CDG; CONNELL, SD Factorial manipulation of CO2 and temperature on algal-herbivore pair demonstrates that changes in herbivore population size will drive species interaction not per capita effects.

NOURABADI, N*; NISHIGUCHI, M.K. Fitness consequences of pH adaptation in an experimentally evolved beneficial symbiosis

LONTHAIR, JK*; HWANG, PP; ESBAUGH, AJ Impacts of elevated CO2 exposure to early life stages of two estuarine species with differing life histories

SUNDIN, J*; CLARK, TD; AMCOFF, M; MATEOS-GONZáLEZ, F; RABY, GD; BINNING, SA; ROCHE, DG; SPEERS-ROESCH, B; JUTFELT, F Temperate and Coral Reef Fishes Show Negligible Physiological and Behavioral Responses to Elevated CO2

NELSON, JA*; RIEGER, KJ; NELSON, jay Urban Fish: can their physiology tell us about the future of fishes faced with climate change?
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