Session 129

Feeding: Bites and Strikes

Day: Sunday, Jan. 8, 10:00-12:00
Room: 219

Organizer(s): Greg Erickson

Session Author(s) Title

FABRE, A.-C.*; DUMONT, M.; WALL, C.E.; BREWER, D.; EHMKE, E.; WELSER, K.; DUMONT, E.; GODFREY, L.; HERREL, A. Geometric morphometric approaches to inferring bite force and diet in extinct strepsirrhines.

ERICKSON, GM*; KUHN-HENDRICKS, SM; SIDEBOTTOM, MA; CURRY, JF; ZENG, G; NORELL, MA; KRICK, BA Wavy Enamel in Hadrosaurid Dinosaurs with Grinding Dentitions Functioned to Limit Fracture Damage through Energy-Robbing Crack Deflection and Channeling

GIGNAC, PM*; ERICKSON, GM The Biomechanics Behind Extreme Osteophagy in Tyrannosaurus rex

WHITFORD, M. D.*; FREYMILLER, G. A.; CLARK, R. W.; HIGHAM, T. E. Three-dimensional Kinematics of Rattlesnake Strikes in Nature

LAW, CJ*; YOUNG, C; MEHTA, RS Ontogenetic Scaling of Theoretical Bite Force in Southern Sea Otters (Enhydra lutris nereis)

GIBSON, JC*; YE, D; SUAREZ, AV Kinematics, Scaling and Fatigue of Mandible Strike Performance in a Polymorphic Trap-Jaw Ant Daceton armigerum

HARRISON, J.S.*; HIGGINS, B.A.; MEHTA, R.S. Scaling of Dentition and Prey Size in the California Moray (Gymnothorax mordax)
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